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Trump's Legal Battle to Conceal Election Interference Details Ahead of 2024 Election

Trump's Legal Battle to Conceal Election Interference Details Ahead of 2024 Election

Trump’s lawyers fought to keep details of his 2020 election interference hidden, days before the 2024 election. Special counsel prosecutors sought to reveal parts of a 180-page secret brief, including grand jury testimonies from Trump’s inner circle.

Prosecutors proposed redacting specific names but keeping job titles like “Campaign Manager” and “Chief of Staff” to protect lesser-known witnesses. Trump’s team argued this made identification too easy, accusing prosecutors of aiming to harm his campaign.

The dispute mirrored a previous case in Florida, where prosecutors sought complete anonymity for witnesses. Trump had then pushed for looser redactions, but now sought stricter ones to shield his actions.

The Supreme Court’s recent ruling on presidential immunity complicates matters, tasking Judge Tanya Chutkan with sorting through the indictment. This process could take months, involving hearings to determine which allegations stand.

Much of the evidence, including grand jury testimonies, remains secret. Judge Chutkan will decide how much can be made public.

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