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Diablo IV: The Wrath of the Necromancer receives an IGN score of 8 and a Metacritic score of 86.
- summary
- score
Diablo IV: The Wrath of the Berserker received an 8/10 from IGN and an 86/100 from Metacritic. This expansion introduces captivating exploration zones, customizable characters, and dungeon activities. Although the campaign and story are somewhat lackluster, and there are some bugs, its metadata improvements, enhanced progression systems, and the addition of NPC companions have been well-received. PCGamesN, PC Gamer, and Destructoid all awarded it 9/10, praising the expansion for inheriting and modernizing the series' essence, bringing Diablo IV to its best state.
Scores | Value | Explanation |
Objectivity | 5 | 内容较为客观,尝试平衡不同观点。 |
Social Impact | 3 | 引发了一些社交讨论或关注。 |
Credibility | 5 | 完全可信,有权威来源的坚实证据。 |
Potential | 4 | 具有较高潜力,可能触发更大事件。 |
Practicality | 4 | 高度实用,可直接应用于实际问题。 |
Entertainment Value | 5 | 非常娱乐,能吸引广泛观众。 |