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FBI Returns Stolen Monet Painting to Jewish Family

FBI Returns Stolen Monet Painting to Jewish Family

A Claude Monet pastel, stolen by Nazis from a Jewish couple in 1940, was returned to their descendants. The Parlagis bought the artwork in 1936, but fled Austria after its annexation. Their possessions, including seven other artworks, were seized. The Monet disappeared in 1941.

The Parlagis' family searched for the stolen art for decades. FBI agents, alerted by the Commission for Looted Art in Europe, traced the pastel to a New Orleans art dealer who sold it to private collectors. The pastel resurfaced in a Houston gallery in 2023.

The current owners, unaware of its history, voluntarily surrendered the artwork. It was returned to the Parlagis' granddaughters. The FBI continues to search for another stolen piece, a Paul Signac watercolor.

Nazi looting affected 20% of Europe's art. Despite international agreements, many countries have made little progress in returning stolen items. Over 100,000 of the 600,000 stolen paintings remain unreturned.


  • Provenance: The documented history of an artwork, including its ownership and location.
  • Looted Art: Art stolen during wartime, often by occupying forces.
  • Nazi-Confiscated Art: Art taken by the Nazis, particularly from Jewish families.

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