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AI-Powered Collaboration Board 'Cove' Launched by Former Google Maps Engineers

AI-Powered Collaboration Board 'Cove' Launched by Former Google Maps Engineers

Cove, an AI-powered collaboration board, aims to shift AI interactions from linear chats to a dynamic, infinite canvas. Users can generate multiple responses to a single prompt, useful for tasks like planning, writing, and research. The interface features an infinite board with a chatbot window, allowing users to create and edit response cards, add PDFs, links, images, and more. Designed for collaborative work, Cove offers shared access with editing permissions and integrates various AI models. It’s free with a 100-card limit; unlimited cards and early features require a $10 monthly subscription.


  • AI-powered: Uses artificial intelligence to assist or automate tasks.
  • Infinite canvas: A workspace without predefined boundaries, allowing continuous expansion.
  • Response cards: Individual units of content generated by the AI in response to user prompts.
  • Chrome extension: A small software module for the Chrome browser that adds functionality.

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