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AI-Powered Resume Builder Simplifies Job Applications

CVGist, an AI resume builder, simplifies job applications by generating resumes from brief bios and job descriptions. Launched this year, it has served over 500 customers via social media.


  • Overcame OpenAI's JSON response limitation.
  • Uses Supabase for user data and Preact for front-end.


  • Social media and small ads drive user acquisition.
  • SEO tools like Semrush aid keyword targeting.


  • Product Hunt launch improved SEO.
  • Reddit and Hacker News boost indie startup visibility.


  • Plans include industry-specific templates and tools.
  • Aims to automate the entire job application process.


  • Building in public fosters feedback.
  • Emphasizes continuous improvement over perfection.


  • JSON: A data format used for storing and exchanging information.
  • SEO: Search Engine Optimization, improving a website's visibility on search engines.
  • Product Hunt: A platform where new products are showcased.
  • Reddit/Hacker News: Popular forums for tech and startup discussions.
  • Supabase/Preact: Technologies for managing data and building user interfaces.

CVGist embodies agile, user-focused innovation, making it a promising tool for job seekers.

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