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Michael Cohen's Legal Battle Against Trump Revived by Supreme Court

Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's former lawyer, seeks to revive a lawsuit alleging that Trump sent him back to prison in retaliation for writing a tell-all book. Cohen's appeal, now before the Supreme Court, aims to deter federal officials from unconstitutional actions. The justices will discuss the case on October 18.

Cohen, who was disbarred and disgraced, served three years for crimes related to his work for Trump. He aligns with civil rights advocates in challenging the Supreme Court's hostility to claims against federal officials.

Cohen was held in solitary confinement for 16 days after refusing to sign a form restricting his media access. A federal judge later ruled that the government retaliated against him for exercising his free speech rights.

Cohen's lawsuit targets Trump, former Attorney General William Barr, and others, seeking damages for Fourth Amendment violations. The Supreme Court rarely takes up appeals, and Cohen's lawyer admits it's an uphill battle.

Recent court rulings, like Egbert v. Boule, have weakened Bivens claims—civil rights lawsuits against federal officials. Cohen's case exemplifies how federal officials can violate the Constitution with impunity.

Both Joe Biden's and Donald Trump's administrations oppose Cohen's appeal. Trump's lawyer argues that he has immunity from suit for actions taken in office.

Cohen compares his experience to critics of Russian President Vladimir Putin, emphasizing the importance of deterring such actions.

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