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Bill Gates Advocates for Open Source Tools in Digital Public Infrastructure

Bill Gates advocates for digital public infrastructure (DPI)—systems such as digital IDs, payment networks, and data platforms—as transformative for nations. DPI can bypass traditional development, providing instant, secure services at lower costs. For example, mobile banking eliminates the need for expensive branch networks, and digital IDs provide legal identity to millions.

Critics worry that DPI could enable surveillance or exclude vulnerable groups. Gates counters that well-designed DPI enhances privacy and inclusion. In India, DPI has brought banking to millions and offers enrollment assistance for the disadvantaged.

Open-source tools like MOSIP and Mojaloop aid in building DPI, fostering local innovation and competition. These tools allow smaller companies to develop services without reinventing foundational systems.

Gates views DPI as essential for the Gates Foundation's goals: health, agriculture, and women's financial empowerment. The foundation will invest $200 million over five years to support DPI globally.

Key Terms:

  • Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI): Systems that connect people, data, and money, such as digital IDs and payment networks.
  • Open-Source Tools: Software with publicly accessible source code, enabling anyone to modify and share.

Gates envisions a digital future that benefits everyone, not just a select few.

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