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Bird Flu Impact on Poultry and Dairy Industries: Challenges and Solutions

Bird flu, primarily a scourge for birds, has claimed 100 million lives in the poultry industry. Its spread to dairy cows and humans has complicated the situation. The egg industry, hit early, has tightened biosecurity measures: workers shower before and after shifts, trucks are washed, and lasers deter wild birds. This rigor has slowed the virus but has not eradicated it.

Dairy farms face unique challenges. Cows, unlike chickens, are not typically killed by bird flu but can suffer from secondary infections. Hygiene is more challenging with large, messy animals. Pasteurization ensures milk safety, but preventing barn contamination is difficult.

The USDA plans a vaccine trial for calves, and the egg industry seeks a poultry vaccine that is easy to administer. These efforts are crucial as the virus evolves, threatening both animals and humans. The lesson is clear: adapt and invest in prevention, or face escalating costs.

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