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Japanese Publishers Invest in AI Manga Translation Startup

Japanese Publishers Invest in AI Manga Translation Startup

Japanese publishers, including Shueisha and Shogakukan, have invested $4.9 million in Mantra, a startup leveraging AI to accelerate manga translation. Mantra's technology, integrating AI with human refinement, aims to halve translation times. Its advanced image recognition and language models ensure a low error rate, vital for manga's distinctive linguistic nuances.

With this funding, Mantra intends to grow its team and improve translation accuracy, broadening its services to include novels, games, and videos. Currently, Mantra translates manga into 18 languages, providing a monthly output equivalent to 500 manga volumes for publishers and translation companies.

This investment supports Japan's objective to quadruple content exports by 2033, addressing the current shortage of translated manga, particularly in English. Enhanced translation capabilities could also help combat piracy, a major issue costing Japanese publishers billions annually.

Nonetheless, concerns remain about AI's ability to fully capture cultural nuances and character traits, leading some in the industry to adopt a cautious approach. Balancing speed and quality remains a crucial consideration in the evolving field of AI-assisted translation.

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