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Childhood Diet Linked to Cognitive Health in Later Life

Childhood Diet Linked to Cognitive Health in Later Life

Healthy diet in childhood, key to sharp mind in 70s. Research tracked Britons from age four to 70. First study to link diet early in life with mental sharpness later. Supports current health advice: good diet early, good health lifelong.

Study of 3,059 UK adults, from childhood to old age. Diet quality linked to cognitive ability. 8% with poor diets kept high cognitive ability. 7% with good diets had low cognitive ability.

High cognitive group at 70 had better memory, processing speed. Low group showed signs of dementia. Diet in childhood influences later dietary patterns.

Best cognitive performers ate more veggies, fruits, legumes, whole grains. Less sodium, added sugars, refined grains.

Adjust diet at any age. More whole plant foods, better cognitive health.

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