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Japanese Startup to Launch Protein-Rich Silkworm Food in Singapore

Japanese Startup to Launch Protein-Rich Silkworm Food in Singapore

Morus, a Japanese startup, plans to sell silkworm-based food in Singapore. The city-state is set to legalize edible insects this year. CEO Ryo Sato aims to export powdered silkworms and protein products, touting them as a new protein source. Silkworms offer more protein than chicken, with lower fat and calories. Production costs are also lower than cultured meat.

Sato envisions broader uses for silkworms, including feed and preventive medicine. Morus, founded in 2021 at Shinshu University, established a Singapore subsidiary in February, drawn by government support programs. The company also eyes Southeast Asia for expansion.

Singapore, with a low food self-sufficiency rate, supports alternative protein startups. In 2020, it approved cultured meat sales, a world first. Last year, the Singapore Food Agency announced plans to allow 16 insect types for human consumption, including silkworms and crickets. Regulations are being formulated to ensure safety.

Asian countries like Thailand and South Korea already consume certain insects. Vietnam's Cricket One also plans to enter the Singapore market.

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