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Singapore Approves 16 Insect Species for Human Consumption

Singapore has just approved 16 insect species for consumption. The list includes locusts, honey bees, and silkworms. The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) states that these insects are safe and can be imported for both human and animal consumption.

The SFA emphasized safety over novelty, requiring that insects must be sourced from regulated farms rather than the wild and must have a history of being consumed elsewhere. The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) supports insects as a sustainable source of protein, noting that they produce less greenhouse gas than cattle or sheep.

Several Singaporean restaurants, including Fura, Insectyumz, and House of Seafood, are already planning to offer insect-based dishes.

This move by the SFA is not unprecedented; Australia, South Korea, Thailand, and the European Union also permit the consumption of insects.

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