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Plant Oils Linked to Lower Heart Disease and Diabetes Risks

Plant Oils Linked to Lower Heart Disease and Diabetes Risks

Scientists from Sweden, Germany, and other countries have found a link between high-quality plant oils and reduced risks of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. They employed a method known as "lipidomics" to analyze blood fats.

In a controlled diet experiment, 113 individuals consumed either high-saturated animal fats or high-unsaturated plant fats for 16 weeks. Those who consumed plant fats exhibited healthier blood fat profiles.

This "Multi-Lipid Score" (MLS) was subsequently applied to large observational studies. A higher MLS consistently indicated lower disease risks.

The research, published in Nature Medicine, suggests that replacing saturated fats with plant-based unsaturated fats could significantly enhance heart and metabolic health.

Lipidomics: A branch of science that studies fats in the blood, examining how different types of fats relate to health and disease.

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