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AI Facial Temperature Analysis Predicts Health Risks

AI Facial Temperature Analysis Predicts Health Risks

Researchers at Peking University have linked facial temperatures to chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. They utilize AI with thermal imaging to identify these patterns. This technology could aid in predicting health issues and promoting healthy aging.

The study, published in "Cell Metabolism," discovered that specific areas of the face, like the nose and cheeks, exhibit particular temperature changes prior to the onset of health problems. These subtle shifts are imperceptible to touch but can be detected by AI trained on thermal data.

Lead researcher Jing-Dong Jackie Han noted that facial temperature can predict "thermal age," a measure of how rapidly one ages. Higher temperatures in the nose and lower temperatures around the eyes suggest a younger thermal age. In contrast, warmer cheeks and eyes could indicate inflammation and accelerated aging.

Interestingly, a two-week jump rope regimen reduced participants' thermal age by five years, suggesting a connection between exercise and aging markers.

The team plans to extend this method to diagnose other conditions, such as sleep disorders and heart issues. Han believes facial thermal imaging could serve as a non-invasive tool for early disease detection and health management.

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