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Pfizer's Gene Therapy Shows Promise for Hemophilia A

Pfizer's new gene therapy for hemophilia A shows promise in a large trial. This rare disorder, affecting about 25 in 100,000 males, lacks a crucial blood-clotting protein. Without it, blood doesn't clot well, leading to frequent bleeding.

The therapy, a one-time treatment, significantly reduced bleeding episodes in patients. It outperformed the current method, which involves regular infusions of the missing protein.

If approved, Pfizer's treatment will compete with BioMarin's Roctavian, which costs $2.9 million and has had a slow uptake since its approval.

Hemophilia A patients currently rely on frequent IV infusions or injections to manage bleeding. The potential shift to a one-time gene therapy could revolutionize treatment, offering a cure rather than ongoing management.

Pfizer's success in this trial positions it at the forefront of gene therapy advancements, potentially changing how chronic conditions like hemophilia A are treated.

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