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Revisiting Freud's Work: A Fresh Analysis on Sexuality and Dreams

Revisiting Freud's Work: A Fresh Analysis on Sexuality and Dreams

Freud's legacy, often tangled in sexual interpretations, gets a fresh look. Mark Solms, a South African psychoanalyst, revises Freud's "The Interpretation of Dreams." He argues Freud's broad view of sexuality—anything for pleasure, not just sex—was misunderstood.

Solms corrects old translations, updates outdated terms, and adds overlooked writings. He clarifies Freud's conservative nature, contrasting with the radical art his theories inspired. Freud aimed for order, not anarchy or sexual liberation.

The revised edition, a 24-volume set, releases at the Freud Museum in London. Solms preserves James Strachey's original translation, adding "subtle underlining" for updates. He hopes to reintroduce Freud's insights on dreams, despite resistance from those who wish to erase Freud from history.

Freud believed dreams keep us asleep by fulfilling wishes. Modern sleep research complicates this, showing dreams occur in various sleep states, not just during REM. Solms' work repositions Freud in the conversation about the sleeping mind.

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