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Affordable Lab-Grown Meat Could Challenge Organic Chicken Prices

Affordable Lab-Grown Meat Could Challenge Organic Chicken Prices

New research from Jerusalem's Hebrew University and Believer Meats has cracked the code on affordable lab-grown meat. They've developed a continuous production method using a technique called tangential flow filtration (TFF), boosting cell count to 1300 billion per liter and achieving a 43% weight yield. This process ran for 20 days straight, daily harvesting biomass.

They also introduced a non-animal serum, priced at $0.63 per liter, sustaining high-density chicken cell growth. This innovation slashes production costs, potentially making cultured meat a mainstream option.

A hypothetical 50,000-liter facility could churn out cultured chicken at $6.20 per pound, matching organic chicken prices. This breakthrough not only promises a sustainable food future but also challenges traditional livestock farming's dominance.

Tangential flow filtration (TFF) is a method used to purify and concentrate substances, like cells, by passing them through a filter under pressure, retaining larger particles while allowing smaller ones to pass through.

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