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Quantum Sensor Breakthrough Could Revolutionize Navigation and More

Sandia National Labs, in New Mexico, has made a breakthrough in quantum sensing. They've developed a motion sensor, a thousand times more sensitive than current models, that could reduce our dependence on GPS satellites. This sensor, once the size of a truck, is now compact enough to fit on a microchip.

The key is a new silicon photonic modulator, central to a laser system on a chip. This modulator, rugged and small, replaces a conventional laser system typically as large as a refrigerator. The team's findings are featured in Science Advances.

Cost was another hurdle. Full-size modulators can cost over $10,000. But by miniaturizing these components into silicon photonic chips, costs are dropping. Hundreds of modulators can be made on a single wafer, using the same process as computer chips. This could enable mass production of quantum inertial measurement units at lower costs.

The team is also exploring other applications. The sensor could locate underground cavities and resources by detecting tiny gravitational changes. The optical components, including the modulator, also show potential in LIDAR, quantum computing, and optical communications.

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