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Countries Enforcing 'Right to Disconnect' for Work-Life Balance

Australia now allows workers to ignore work calls and emails after hours, unless it's urgent. This "right to disconnect" is spreading, with France, Belgium, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, and Italy already on board. These laws aim to protect work-life balance and prevent overwork.

France, known for its strict labor laws, requires companies with 50+ employees to negotiate contact times. Belgium extends this right to private sector workers in larger companies. Portugal and Spain also protect post-work hours, with Portugal emphasizing a right to rest and Spain promoting a healthy digital workplace.

Ireland has a Code of Practice, ensuring workers can ignore work outside normal hours. Italy focuses on remote work, specifying rest periods in telework agreements.

The UK might follow, with a union survey showing strong employee support for the right to disconnect. Currently, the UK limits the average workweek to 48 hours over 17 weeks.

These laws reflect a global shift towards valuing personal time over constant work connectivity.

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