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Plant-Based Meats: Eco-Friendly and Healthier Alternatives

Plant-Based Meats: Eco-Friendly and Healthier Alternatives

Plant-based meats outperform real meats in terms of eco-friendliness and health, primarily. A Food Foundation study indicates that fake meats emit less greenhouse gas and consume less water. They also contain fewer calories, less saturated fat, and more fiber.

The study examined 68 plant-based and 36 meat products. Some newer, processed alternatives have higher salt content and lack iron and vitamin B12. For instance, Richmond's meat-free sausages contain excessive salt.

Plant-based meats have lower protein levels but this is not a significant issue. The UK already consumes sufficient protein. The market for non-meat foods continues to expand. Analysts predict substantial growth until 2030. The Green Alliance estimates the sector could be worth £6.8 billion and create 25,000 jobs in the UK by 2035.

Traditional alternatives include tofu, seitan, and tempeh. Quorn and Linda McCartney Foods produce new generation products. Beans and grains are the most affordable, healthiest, and eco-friendliest options. They offer the most fiber and the least saturated fat, calories, and salt.

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