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Impact of Pandemic on Lockdown Babies Starting School

During the pandemic, babies like Elijah and twins Aqil and Fawaz faced unique challenges. Born in lockdown, they missed crucial social interactions and support services. The Bicycle study, involving six universities, examines the long-term effects on these "lockdown babies."

Initial findings suggest a significant impact on speech and language development. Reduced family interactions and lack of access to health visitors contributed to delays. At Elizabeth Selby Infants' School, over a third of children entering reception have speech and language needs.

The school has responded by hiring a speech and language therapist, a first in its history. Yet, with many children still waiting for therapy, the need for support remains high.

The pandemic stripped families of essential services and social networks. As these children start school, the focus is on how best to support their development. The challenge is clear: rebuild what was lost, and ensure these children thrive.

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