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EU Consumer Group Calls for Ban on Manipulative In-Game Purchases

A consumer group in Europe, BEUC, has filed a complaint against popular video games like Fortnite and Minecraft, accusing them of "purposefully tricking consumers" into overspending on in-game purchases. The group claims these games, which generate over $50 billion annually, are particularly manipulative towards children, who spend an average of €39 per month on such purchases.

BEUC is calling for a ban on in-game paid currencies and recommends more transparency in pricing, stricter age restrictions, and clearer display of real-world costs. They argue that current practices exploit children's lack of financial literacy.

Video Games Europe, representing major game publishers, counters that in-game currencies are well-understood and that their members comply with European consumer laws. They emphasize that many games can be played without spending money.

The issue is significant, with over half of EU consumers regularly playing video games, and 84% of 11-14-year-olds engaging in gaming. BEUC's broader complaint could intensify scrutiny on the industry.

In-game currencies, or virtual money used to purchase items within games, are at the heart of the dispute. BEUC believes these currencies obscure real costs, leading to uninformed spending.

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