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Global Seafood Trade Poised for Record Growth in 2023

The global seafood trade is set to break records this year, potentially surpassing the $195 billion mark set in 2022. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) predicts a rebound driven by new supply chains and increased consumption in major markets like China.

One key factor in this growth is the reduction of production losses—currently around 30% due to improper storage and processing. The FAO aims to halve these losses by 2030, which could feed tens of millions more people with essential protein.

Technological advancements, such as economical freezing and rapid processing, are crucial. They not only reduce waste but also cut inefficient costs, boosting market development.

Illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing (IUU) has also declined, thanks to strengthened regional controls. This reduction in illegal fishing helps preserve bio-resources and supports sustainable growth.

In summary, the seafood trade is poised for a significant upswing, driven by technological improvements, reduced waste, and better regulation. These factors collectively ensure a more secure and efficient global food supply.

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