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Geopolitical Tensions and Technological Competition in the Global EV Market

Geopolitical Tensions and Technological Competition in the Global EV MarketGeopolitical Tensions and Technological Competition in the Global EV Market

Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement, a decade ago, saw thousands protest Beijing’s curtailment of democratic rights. Today, the city’s governance has shifted, with national security laws stifling freedoms. Visa denials and entry restrictions have driven away international talent, replaced by mainland Chinese influx.

Neta Auto, one of over 100 Chinese EV makers, faces fierce competition. Founder Fang Yunzhou admits survival is uncertain. Only a few, like BYD and Li Auto, are profitable. Despite tariffs, Neta eyes North America and Europe.

The FBI probes Hone Capital, a Silicon Valley venture fund with Chinese backing. Investigators suspect Beijing accessed U.S. tech startups’ secrets. Hone, launched in 2015 with $115 million from China, invested in 360 startups, including driverless car and aerospace firms.

China’s EV subsidies remain contentious. Europe and the U.S. cite these as justification for tariffs. CATL, a leading battery supplier, tops the list of subsidy recipients.

Insights: The geopolitical tension between the U.S. and China extends to tech and automotive sectors. Hong Kong’s transformation underscores Beijing’s tightening grip. The EV market, globally competitive, faces survival challenges. Subsidies and tariffs highlight the economic and political stakes.

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