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AI Enthusiast Weekly(2024-07-01) : Dify: Revolutionizing AI with Rapid Growth and Global Impact

Dify: Revolutionizing AI with Rapid Growth and Global Impact

'Dify: Revolutionizing AI with Rapid Growth and Global Impact'

Zhang Luyu, founder of Z Potentials, serves millions of developers. His latest venture, Dify, focuses on the middleware layer for large models, boasting the fastest global monthly growth and over 400,000 installations.

Middleware for large models: Refers to the software layer connecting the underlying large data models with the upper-level applications, simplifying the development process and enhancing efficiency.

Dify has rapidly risen, achieving remarkable results within a year, showcasing the innovative vitality and market demand in the field of artificial intelligence.


AI News

ToucanTTS: Pioneering Speech Synthesis Across 7,000 Languages

ToucanTTS: Pioneering Speech Synthesis Across 7,000 Languages

ToucanTTS, crafted by IMS, Stuttgart, masters over 7,000 languages in speech synthesis. A triumph in technology, broadening communication's reach.


AI-Powered 'Nurse' Enhances Hospital Experience in Shanghai

AI-Powered 'Nurse' Enhances Hospital Experience in Shanghai

Shanghai First People's Hospital has adopted Alipay's "AI Medical Assistant" to launch the first voice-interactive "AI Companion - Gongji Xiao Yi" based on a large model. Patients can ask questions via Alipay, such as "What department should I go to for dry eyes?" and receive medical advice and registration services. The AI Companion can also provide waiting information and in-hospital navigation, enhancing the medical experience.

Natural Language Processing Technology: The technology that enables computers to understand and generate human language.


Google Translate Expands with 110 New Languages Using PaLM 2 AI

Google Translate has expanded to include 110 new languages, powered by the PaLM 2 AI. This update introduces Cantonese and numerous African languages, extending its reach to an additional 614 million speakers. Notably, it includes the revival of Manx. The challenges involve navigating the diverse dialects and non-standard forms. This aligns with Google's objective to support 1,000 languages.


Chrome Introduces AI-Powered Prompt API for Enhanced Web Browsing

Chrome Introduces AI-Powered Prompt API for Enhanced Web Browsing

The article discusses the introduction of a new AI feature in Chrome, the Prompt API, available through an early preview program. This built-in AI aims to become a standard across browsers, utilizing Gemini Nano for local processing within the browser environment.

The benefits of this embedded AI are clear: it's fast, cost-effective, and user-friendly. As a native browser API, it simplifies access with just a couple of lines of code. This integration promises to enhance browsing efficiency and accessibility.

In essence, Chrome's Prompt API represents a significant step towards integrating AI seamlessly into everyday web use, making advanced functionalities both accessible and straightforward for users.


Cloudflare Introduces Free AI-Powered Bot Protection for All Users

CloudFlare, known as "赛博菩萨," now offers free AI-driven protection against content scraping bots. Previously, this required a paid subscription for advanced rules. Now, all users can activate this feature with a single click, blocking bots from unauthorized content scraping for AI training. The mechanism likely involves identifying known AI crawlers like OpenAI's GPTBot. This upgrade is crucial for sites, especially news outlets, guarding against unethical data harvesting. However, effective defense against undisclosed or rogue crawlers remains a challenge.


AI Outperforms in Introductory Courses, Faces Challenges in Advanced Studies

Scarfe, at the University of Reading, tested AI's impact on exams. His team used ChatGPT-4 to generate answers for psychology modules. 63 AI-made submissions slipped into the system, 94% undetected. Nearly 84% scored better than human students.

The AI excelled in intro-level courses but faltered in advanced modules. Detectors flagged AI submissions not for being robotic, but for being too good.

Scarfe argues universities should adapt. AI is here to stay, and students should learn to use it. The future of education might blend human and AI skills.


Zhihu launches an AI product called "Zhihu Direct Answer" to enhance the search experience.

Zhihu has launched an AI product called "Zhihu ZhiDa" to enhance search experiences. The AI-powered search has been productized and is now available on PC via "zhida.AI". Plans are in place to develop an App, introduce multimodal capabilities, deepen community integration, and explore external collaborations.

Zhihu continues to advance AI technology, such as opening up the "Zhihai Tu AI" large model for services, empowering multiple business scenarios. Zhihu Zhi Xuetang operates independently, reshaping vocational education.

Zhihu's monthly active users have surpassed 100 million and it has been included in the FTSE index. A decade-long user data report has been released, accumulating over 44 million questions and 2.4 billion answers.


  • Multimodal capabilities: Refers to the ability of AI to process multiple types of data (such as text, images, and sounds).
  • FTSE index: An international stock market index reflecting a company's market capitalization and industry status.

AI-Generated Game Characters Enhance Player Interaction and Research

AI-Generated Game Characters Enhance Player Interaction and Research

Game companies are utilizing large language models to generate characters that not only have detailed backgrounds but can also interact with players in multiple ways. This technology enables non-player characters (NPCs) in games to engage in continuous, unscripted, and non-repetitive dialogues.

Neuroscientists and psychologists have long used games as tools to study human psychology. For instance, the game "Ocean Hero Quest" helps research the loss of navigation abilities in early Alzheimer's patients by observing players' navigation behaviors in a virtual ocean.

The advantage of using games for research lies in people's willingness to participate without requiring payment, allowing researchers to conduct large-scale studies with smaller budgets. Professor Spiers has collected data from over 4 million people across 195 countries.

The integration of artificial intelligence allows researchers to create a rich, immersive world, aiding them in studying how the brain responds to various social environments and how humans interact with others. By observing interactions between players and AI characters, scientists can gain deeper insights into the nature of cooperation and competition.

Additionally, AI game characters can help us understand relationships with virtual companions, which are becoming increasingly common. Professor Spiers finds the study of these relationships inherently fascinating.


Accelerated Testing Method for Autonomous Vehicles Promises Safer Deployment

Accelerated Testing Method for Autonomous Vehicles Promises Safer Deployment

The dream of autonomous driving has been long-held, but the path to commercialization remains distant. The core challenge lies in the inefficiency of safety testing. A team led by Professor Feng Shuo of Tsinghua University and Professor Liu Xiang-Hong of the University of Michigan has proposed the theory of "equivalent acceleration testing for autonomous vehicles," which significantly increases testing speed by 1,000 to 100,000 times.

This method, based on dense reinforcement learning, generates intelligent test environments, overcoming the limitations of fragmented scene testing. Nature has praised this research as a "critical advancement in ensuring the safety of autonomous driving."

Autonomous vehicles need to accumulate over 10 billion kilometers of testing in natural environments to ensure safety. Currently, companies like Waymo are far from meeting this standard in both real-world and simulation testing.

Feng Shuo points out that the low tolerance for safety-critical systems is a key obstacle to the development of autonomous driving. They propose an "AI Against AI" testing method, which efficiently tests autonomous vehicles in virtual environments.

Additionally, the research team has addressed the "sparsity catastrophe" with three solutions: dense learning of safety-critical data, improving model generalization and inference capabilities, and reducing safety risks through vehicle-road collaboration.

Feng Shuo states that these technical routes complement each other and may collectively drive the large-scale commercialization of autonomous driving to levels above L4 in the future.



"ElevenLabs Launches AI-Powered Text-to-Speech App for Diverse Formats"

ElevenLabs introduces a new app. It reads articles, PDFs, ePubs, and texts aloud. Uses high-quality AI voices. Download it for narrated life. Link here:

AI voices: Artificial intelligence generates realistic speech. ePub: A digital book format.


"Exploring Ethical Dilemmas in AI: Ten Provocative Websites"

The article lists ten AI websites, each offering capabilities that seem illicit. These range from generating realistic faces to crafting entire news articles. The tech, though impressive, raises ethical questions.

AI, or Artificial Intelligence, refers to machines designed to think and learn like humans. It's a broad field, encompassing everything from simple algorithms to complex neural networks.


"AI Revolutionizes Web Design: Speed vs. Personal Touch"

'AI Revolutionizes Web Design: Speed vs. Personal Touch'

WordPress's reign may be ending. AI now crafts entire websites in minutes. The process is quick, efficient.

AI, Artificial Intelligence, uses algorithms to mimic human decision-making. It's the tech behind the new website builders.

This shift means less manual coding, more automated design. Efficiency, yes. But also a loss of personal touch.


Julius AI: Your Digital Math Wizard and Data Analyst

Julius AI is a tool designed to solve math problems, analyze data, and generate visualizations from images or screenshots. It serves as a digital assistant for processing numerical data and interpreting information.


Abacus AI Unveils Ultra-Powerful Language Models Exceeding ChatGPT

Abacus AI provides access to advanced language models such as Gemini, Claude Opus, and GPT-4o. These models claim to be ten times more powerful than ChatGPT. The link offers further details.


  • LLMs: Large Language Models, advanced AI systems designed to understand and generate human-like text.
  • Gemini, Claude Opus, GPT-4o: Names of specific, high-end AI models.
  • ChatGPT: A popular AI chatbot known for its conversational abilities.

"Meta Llama: Your Advanced Coding Assistant for Generation, Debugging, and Explanation"

'Meta Llama: Your Advanced Coding Assistant for Generation, Debugging, and Explanation'

HyperspaceAI introduces aiOS™, featuring "Meta Llama." This tool assists with:

  • Code Generation
  • Code Debugging
  • Code Explanation

Available at

Meta Llama: A technology within aiOS™ designed to understand and process coding tasks. It's akin to an advanced assistant for programmers, capable of creating, troubleshooting, and clarifying code.


"OmniParse: Open-Source Data Structuring Tool for AI Privacy"

'OmniParse: Open-Source Data Structuring Tool for AI Privacy'

OmniParse is an open-source tool designed to convert disorganized, unstructured data such as documents, images, and videos into tidy, structured formats, making it perfect for AI applications. It supports over 20 different file types and all processing is done locally, without any external API calls, ensuring data privacy and security.


Interlock Introduces ThreatSlayer Web3 Security Extension and Community

Interlock, a cybersecurity firm, has launched ThreatSlayer, a Web3 security browser extension. It utilizes blockchain, AI, and a global user community to block malicious sites and safeguard against phishing and scams. This tool benefits over 29,000 weekly active users, predominantly outside the U.S.

The company encourages users to contribute anonymized security data, thereby enhancing collective threat intelligence. Future plans include the introduction of a utility coin, $ILOCK, for rewards and security staking on Arbitrum and Aleph Zero platforms. Further steps involve monetizing shared security data in the B2B threat intelligence market and releasing enterprise versions of their products.

Interlock's ecosystem, encompassing ThreatSlayer, Galactus, and Octahedron, aims to transform cybersecurity through Web3 technologies and community engagement. Rick Deacon, Interlock's CEO, is focused on resolving legacy Web2 security challenges with Web3 innovations.



Twitter: 北火

Philipp Schmid / @_philschmid在 AWS 上构建 LLM 应用程序的教程

Twitter: Farhan

"One more thing... I'm sending over 1000 ChatGPT Prompts to all subscribers! Join us now & stay ahead of the curve! Click Below ⬇️"

Simplifying Machine Learning: Azure Machine Learning Designer Tutorial

Simplifying Machine Learning: Azure Machine Learning Designer Tutorial

Creating a machine learning model without coding is possible with Azure Machine Learning Designer. This article guides you through building a regression model to predict automobile prices.


  • Azure account
  • Azure subscription


  1. Workspace: Create a workspace in Azure Portal for managing machine learning resources.
  2. Compute Resources: Set up compute instances and clusters in Azure Machine Learning Studio for model training.

Model Building:

  1. Data Preparation: Use Azure Machine Learning Designer to add and clean the automobile price dataset.
  2. Model Training: Split the data, train with Linear Regression, and evaluate using the Score and Evaluate Model modules.


  • Assess model performance using metrics like Mean Absolute Error, Root Mean Squared Error, and R-squared.


  • Deploy the model for real-time predictions.

This process simplifies machine learning model creation, making it accessible for those less versed in coding.


Social Media Comments

  1. The X algorithm is so good that it now delivers content from other languages. —— Adam Lyttle

  2. "Let's make the sci-fi future we want real!" —— Elon Musk

  1. The water ripple effect processing in Runway is truly remarkable. Back in the day when we were working on 3D, fluid dynamics were a real hassle. Never did I imagine that now we could control it directly with text. Times have truly changed. —— Bear Liu

  2. We've developed a model, CriticGPT, designed to identify bugs in GPT-4's code. We are beginning to incorporate such models into our RLHF alignment pipeline to assist humans in supervising AI on challenging tasks: —— OpenAI