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2024-07-01 Tools Daily

Simplifying Customer Feedback Management with Testimonify

Testimonify helps businesses collect and showcase customer feedback. This tool leverages testimonials to build trust, converting visitors into loyal customers. SaaS, or Software as a Service, refers to software that is used online rather than being installed on individual computers.

SaaS Explained: SaaS allows you to use software via the internet, eliminating the need for traditional installation on your device.


Streamlined Media Editing with Natural Language

Videofyles simplifies video editing. It uses plain language, not tech speak.

Created by and for content makers, it quickens the editing process.

This tool reduces time wasted on complex software interfaces.

Natural language: Communicating in everyday speech, avoiding technical terms.


SurfPal: Enhancing Browsing Efficiency and Time Management

SurfPal: a Chrome extension that tracks, analyzes, and limits web time usage. It aids in measuring and enhancing browsing habits.

Chrome extension: software designed for Google's Chrome browser, which adds new features and enhances its functionality.

Insights: SurfPal can be particularly beneficial for individuals aiming to better manage their online time. It serves as a tool for self-discipline, similar to setting limits on drinking or exercise.


Arc: Connecting Global Tech Talent with Remote Job Opportunities

Arc pairs tech experts with remote work. A global talent pool, 350,000 strong, spans 190 countries. Free for talent.

HireAI leverages AI to swiftly match job seekers with fitting roles.


"Re App: Real-Time Multilingual Translation and Fitness Sync"

Re app translates over 10 languages in real-time. It syncs workout plans to help achieve fitness goals. Additionally, it offers text-to-speech and message reading features.


Daily Check-In Service for Elderly Independence

CheckinBee sends daily texts to your contacts. Miss a message, and friends are alerted. Free trial for two weeks, then $14 each month.

This service aims to prevent loneliness. It's a straightforward way to stay connected.


  • CheckinBee: A service that helps users maintain regular contact with their loved ones by sending automated daily texts.
  • Care circle: The group of people who are notified if the user misses a scheduled check-in.

"Dify: Revolutionizing Large-Scale Software Integration with Middleware Solutions"

Zhang Luyu, founder of Z Potentials, after serving millions of developers, has embarked on a new venture in the middleware layer for large models, Dify. Dify specializes in large model middleware, achieving global monthly growth leadership within a year and surpassing 400,000 installations.

Large model middleware refers to the software layer in large software systems that connects different components or services, enabling them to work together efficiently. Dify's rapid rise in this field demonstrates its technical and market potential.


Arduino Core for ESP32 Series: A Practical Development Resource

Espressif maintains a repository for the Arduino core on ESP32 models. Launched in 2016, it is not a fork but a standalone project. Key components include core files, documentation, libraries, and tools. Publicly owned by Espressif Systems, it has over 2,600 commits. It supports multiple development environments and offers example projects. This repository is essential for developers using the ESP32 in the Arduino framework.


"Extending the Lifespan of Older Macs with OpenCore Legacy Patcher"

OpenCore Legacy Patcher extends the usability of older Macs, allowing them to run macOS Big Sur and later versions. It utilizes OpenCorePkg and Lilu, both open-source tools.

The project is hosted on GitHub and has been public since November 2020. It includes comprehensive documentation, CI tooling, and the patcher itself. Configuration settings, build scripts, and license details are also part of the project.

The README file links to related projects, emphasizing the importance of open-source collaboration in keeping older hardware functional and bridging the gaps in Apple's support.


  • CI tooling: Continuous Integration tools that help automate software testing and updates.
  • Open-source: Software with source code that anyone can inspect, modify, and enhance.

"IrisShaders/Iris: Enhancing Minecraft Graphics with Open-Source Shaders"

IrisShaders/Iris is a GitHub repository, open-source, launched on October 22, 2020. It contains the Iris mod, which is compatible with OptiFine shaders. It is not a fork; it is managed by the IrisShaders organization.

Key points:

  • Public repository, with 17 items.
  • Default branch "1.20.3," with over 5,330 commits.
  • Detailed file structure, including essential files and directories.
  • provides users with guidance and resources.

The mod enhances Minecraft graphics using shaders. The documentation is comprehensive, assisting with setup and usage.


  • GitHub repo: A project hosted on GitHub, a platform for code sharing and collaboration.
  • OptiFine shaders: Enhancements for Minecraft's visuals, provided by the OptiFine mod.
  • Open-source: Code is publicly accessible and can be modified or distributed.
  • Fork: A copy of a repository that diverges from the original for further development.

Zig Language Server (ZLS) Overview and Features

"zigtools/zls" is a Zig Language Server, supporting Zig programming with features like code completions and go-to definitions. It follows Microsoft's Language Server Protocol.

The repository is public, not a fork, with directories for source code, tests, and configuration files. The main branch, "master," has over 2,499 commits.

Key files include "," featuring a CI badge and a Discord link for community support. The README outlines server capabilities and provides a table of contents.

ZLS is actively maintained, valuable for Zig developers.


  • Zig Language Server (ZLS): A tool that helps programmers write code in Zig, a programming language, by providing useful features.
  • Microsoft's Language Server Protocol: A standard that helps different tools understand and work with each other in coding environments.
  • Continuous Integration (CI): A practice where code changes are automatically tested and integrated into a project frequently.