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2024-07-29 Tools Daily

AI-Enhanced Email Personalization for Sales Reps

10xbeast assists Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) in quickly personalizing emails. It leverages AI to enhance lead generation, conserving time. SDRs can then concentrate on cultivating relationships and working more efficiently.


Efficient Multilingual Customer Service Automation

Kotae streamlines customer service by deploying an AI chatbot proficient in over 80 languages, without the need for coding. It offers a quick setup, a free trial, and personalized guidance.


Articula-3: Personalized AI Voice Translation in 14 Languages

Articula-3: An app transforming voice communication. Record a 10-second sample, and it mimics your voice in 14 languages. This tech bridges language gaps, making interactions feel more human and less mechanical.

AI voice: Artificial Intelligence that can replicate a person's voice using a short audio sample.

14 languages: The app supports communication in fourteen different languages.



AI-Powered News Digest Tool Enhances Information Clarity

Last24, an AI-powered search engine, streamlines news consumption by filtering web content, highlighting key updates, and arranging them in a mindmap. This tool transforms information overload into a structured, engaging format.

Mindmap: A visual diagram that links ideas, simplifying understanding.

Insights: Last24's approach cuts through clutter, making news digestible and immediate. The mindmap format, a network of connected concepts, enhances clarity and retention.


Enhancing Focus with Blocklist and Pomodoro Technique

Blocksite-Pomodoro: A tool that combines site blocking with the Pomodoro Technique, blocking distracting websites and utilizing timed work intervals. The blocklist is a personalized list of sites to avoid. The Pomodoro Technique involves 25-minute work bursts followed by short breaks, enhancing concentration and productivity. Simple and effective.

Pomodoro Technique: A time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. It uses a timer to break work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks.

Blocklist: A list of websites or applications that a user chooses to block, preventing access during specified times to enhance focus and productivity.
