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2024-08-01 Tools Daily

Carousels: Posts featuring multiple images or slides, often swiped through by users. They increase interaction and visual appeal.


AI-Powered Image Editing Tool: Diffree

Diffree is an AI tool designed for image editing. Users can incorporate elements such as "add a golden retriever" through text commands. The AI skillfully integrates these elements into images without requiring any special skills. It is compatible with various image types and settings.

AI, or Artificial Intelligence, refers to technology that empowers machines to execute tasks typically requiring human intelligence.


Brainfab: Streamlining AI Development for Rapid MVP Launch

Brainfab accelerates AI development. A no-code tool, it assists startups and businesses in quickly creating AI assistants. Ideal for rapid MVP launches—basic product versions, released early to collect user feedback and enhance.

MVP: Minimum Viable Product. A simple, early version of a product designed to test the market and gather feedback for further development.


AI-Powered Image CDN: Merging Canva and Cloudinary for Enhanced Design and Optimization

PerceptPixel combines Canva and Cloudinary, focusing on image optimization and design. It uses AI for automatic enhancements and offers customizable templates. Targeted at developers and designers, it operates through a Content Delivery Network (CDN), which distributes web content globally for faster access.

CDN Explained: A CDN is a network of servers spread across various locations. It ensures quicker delivery of internet content by serving it from the nearest server to the user.


Elegant and Secure Savings Tracker App

"攒个钱" App: Simple savings ledger. Secure, elegant, ad-free. Works locally, across platforms. Uses open data formats. Ideal for those valuing privacy and simplicity.

Available on App Store and Google Play.

Local data storage: Keeps your data on your device, not on a remote server. Open data formats: Files are in a standard, accessible format, not proprietary.

Visit for more.


Enhancing Writing with AI: Lingoedit's Advanced Features

Lingoedit refines writing. It translates, edits, polishes. Key features:

  • AI-assisted inline editing: Real-time text enhancement.
  • Customizable prompts: Tailored writing aids.
  • User-friendly interface adjustments: Personalize the software layout.

AI-driven inline editing employs artificial intelligence to instantly correct and improve text. User-driven UI tweaks let users adapt the interface to their preferences.


Gomoon: An Innovative AI-Powered Desktop Efficiency Tool

Gomoon is a free, open-source tool designed to enhance desktop efficiency. It integrates AI models with customizable assistants, facilitating rapid queries and ongoing conversations. Key features include clipboard shortcuts, file and URL parsing, and a secure local knowledge base known as "memory capsules." It is particularly well-suited for tasks such as note-taking and language learning, offering versatile deployment options.
