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2024-10-23 Tools Daily

AI-Powered Spreadsheet for Market Research and Lead Enrichment

CapGo.AI introduces an AI-driven spreadsheet for market research and lead enrichment. It automates data collection and analysis, making outreach more effective.


AI-Powered Interview Question Generator by Metaview by Metaview introduces an AI copilot for generating interview questions. This tool automates question creation, ensuring relevance and depth.

The system aims to streamline hiring, making it more efficient and consistent. It’s a step towards human-optimized recruitment, blending technology with human oversight.


Transform Notion Databases into Functional Portals and Apps Without Coding

Softr for Notion transforms databases into apps without coding. It’s designed for non-techies. Simple, fast, and powerful.

Notion: A versatile workspace tool. Portals & Apps: Web interfaces you can interact with. No Code: No programming required.

This tool democratizes app development, allowing anyone to build apps. It’s a game-changer for those who have been excluded from tech.


Enhancing AI Text with Human Touch: A Practical Tool for Natural Language Refinement

AITextHumanize refines AI-generated text, making it more human. It offers tools to smooth and personalize content. Users include students, professionals, and creators. The service has flexible pricing, including a free trial. Visit for details.


AI-Powered Tool Automates Git Commit Messages for Enhanced Development Efficiency

"ai-commit automates git commit messages using AI like Bito Cli, ERNIE-Bot, and OpenAI. Users select a commit type—"feat" for features, "fix" for bugs—and the tool generates detailed messages. For example, "chore" might yield "chore(ai-commit): update tape and gif resources." The tool confirms before committing, ensuring accuracy.

This automation saves time and maintains clarity, benefiting developers aiming for efficiency without sacrificing documentation quality.


  • git commit messages: Descriptions added to code changes in a version control system.
  • AI generators: Tools powered by artificial intelligence to create content.
  • commit type: Categories like "feat" (new feature) or "fix" (bug fix) to organize changes.

Subrise: A Practical Tool for Navigating Reddit's Marketing Potential

Subrise is a tool that helps Chinese users navigate Reddit. It simplifies the discovery of subreddits for marketing and operations.


  • Concepts: Explanation of Reddit basics.
  • Exploration: Filters for finding top subreddits.
  • Tutorials: Practical guides.


  • Scraped from Reddit, enhanced by AI.
  • Includes user count, activity, and promotion suitability.


  • Personalized AI recommendations.
  • Expanded metrics.
  • Potential for open-source development.

Insight: Subrise makes Reddit more accessible, enhancing user efficiency and decision-making.


  • Subreddit: A community within Reddit focused on a specific topic.
  • AI: Artificial Intelligence, used here to analyze and enhance data.