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World News Daily(2024-06-15) : China, Russia, and North Korea Consider Allowing Ships Access to Sea of Japan via Tumen River

China, Russia, and North Korea Consider Allowing Ships Access to Sea of Japan via Tumen River

China, Russia, and North Korea Consider Allowing Ships Access to Sea of Japan via Tumen River

China, Russia, and North Korea may allow ships to navigate the Tumen River into the Sea of Japan, raising security concerns for Tokyo. Currently, Chinese vessels face restrictions due to a bridge and permissions needed from Russia and North Korea. Recent talks between Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin signal a potential shift in allowing access. Russia's reliance on China for trade, amid sanctions, has led to a warming relationship. China aims to widen the river and demolish the bridge for easier transport and economic exchanges. However, this move could impact security, with potential implications for Japan's coast guard activities near disputed territories. Joint military drills and patrols between China and Russia further complicate the situation in the Sea of Japan.



Pope Francis urges G7 leaders to control AI and ban autonomous weapons.

Pope Francis urges G7 leaders to control AI and ban autonomous weapons.

Pope Francis addressed G7 leaders, urging a ban on autonomous weapons. He emphasized the necessity of human oversight in machine operations, particularly in critical life-and-death decisions. The Pope underscored the dual potential of AI: as a tool for creation or destruction, and for democratization or dominance. His message was unequivocal: the future of humanity depends on our control over technology, not technology controlling us.


Trump Proposes Tariff-Based Revenue System: A Shift in US Economic Policy

Trump Proposes Tariff-Based Revenue System: A Shift in US Economic Policy

Trump proposes a "full tariff" system to replace income tax, aiming to protect domestic industries and reduce corporate taxes. This initiative, if enacted, would overturn more than a century of economic policy that has promoted free trade and progressive taxation. Critics contend that it would place a heavier burden on middle and lower-income Americans while enriching the wealthy.

Under Trump's plan, a 10% tariff would be levied on all imported goods, potentially impacting over $3 trillion in annual imports. This could disrupt global supply chains and lead to higher consumer prices, intensifying inflation. At the same time, Trump advocates for reducing the corporate tax rate to 20%, which would further benefit large corporations.

Despite previous controversies, Trump's re-emergence on Capitol Hill indicates a political reconciliation, with many Republicans now endorsing his policies. His lead in polls against Biden reflects a significant shift in public opinion, which could reshape U.S. fiscal and trade policies.

This policy shift harkens back to 19th-century protectionism, representing a sharp divergence from recent economic standards. The ramifications are extensive, affecting income distribution, international trade dynamics, and domestic economic stability.



EU Prepares to Charge Apple Under New Digital Markets Act

The EU is set to charge Apple under the new digital law, with allegations of stifling competition in the App Store. This marks the first use of the Digital Markets Act against Big Tech. Investigations are underway for Apple, Alphabet, and Meta, with charges expected soon. This move by EU regulators is significant, setting a precedent for tech giants' operations in Europe.


Malaysia Announces New AI-Driven Port to Enhance Logistics Efficiency

Malaysia Announces New AI-Driven Port to Enhance Logistics Efficiency

Malaysia is planning a new AI-driven port in Port Dickson, aiming to capitalize on shifting global supply chains. Estimated at $425 million, the port is a collaboration between Tanco Holdings and China's CCCC Dredging, marking Malaysia's first integration of AI for enhanced operational efficiency.

Strategically located near Kuala Lumpur and the Malacca Strait, a crucial sea lane, the port will feature advanced automation, including AI-managed logistics and automated cranes. This initiative is expected to boost the local economy and trade, reflecting Malaysia's strategic shift towards modernizing its logistics infrastructure.

The integration of AI promises efficiency gains, reducing human error and environmental impact, aligning with global trends in port automation and digitalization. This move underscores Malaysia's ambition to position itself as a key player in the evolving logistics landscape.


BYD's Transition to New Energy: Significant Carbon Reduction Results, Leading Industry Transformation

BYD's Transition to New Energy: Significant Carbon Reduction Results, Leading Industry Transformation

BYD, a pioneer in new energy, has reduced carbon emissions by nearly 600 billion kilograms. The equivalent of planting nearly 100 million trees, covering the entire territory of South Korea.

Decisive Transformation

Since 2008, BYD has strategically positioned itself across the entire new energy sector. In 2021, it signed a climate agreement to accelerate global electrification. By 2040, the goal is to achieve 100% sales of zero-emission vehicles.

Historic Decision

In 2022, BYD ceased production of fuel vehicles, focusing solely on electric vehicles. The first traditional automaker globally to fully embrace new energy.


BYD's transformation is not just a business strategy but a commitment to the future of the planet. Its actions lead the industry and herald the future.



Chinese journalist sentenced for promoting #MeToo movement

Huang Xueqin, a Chinese journalist and #MeToo advocate, has been sentenced to five years in prison for inciting subversion. Her co-defendant, Wang Jianbing, received three and a half years. Their activism represents a broader crackdown on rights advocates in China. Huang's work helped ignite the #MeToo movement in China, but she and Wang have been silenced by the government. The International Women’s Media Foundation has recognized Huang’s efforts, and human rights groups have condemned the convictions. The Chinese government’s suppression of their advocacy continues to stifle social justice and women’s rights in the country.


TikTok Emerges as a Significant News Source in the US

TikTok, once not a primary news source, now ranks second in American news consumption. While only 15% of users primarily use the app for news, 35% discover unique news content there. News on TikTok typically comes from influencers or strangers, differing from Facebook and Instagram where it's more personal, and X where it's more professional.


Tropical Storms Flood Southern Florida, Highlighting Climate Change Impact

Tropical storms in Florida have drenched the southern regions with up to 20 inches of rain, resulting in severe flash flooding. This occurrence aligns with the early June commencement of hurricane season, forecasted to be exceptionally active due to climate change's influence on storm intensity.

The heavy rainfall has caused flight disruptions, vehicle strandings, and home inundations. Tow truck driver Ted Rico depicted the scene as chaotic, with abandoned cars strewn across flooded streets. Airports experienced significant delays and cancellations, affecting travelers such as Navy petty officer Bill Carlisle, who faced extended waits and rerouted flights.

Residents, including Daniela Urrieche and Charlea Johnson, encountered unprecedented flooding in their neighborhoods and homes, with Urrieche observing that this event exceeded the severity of previous hurricanes. The situation highlights the growing challenges presented by extreme weather events, a direct result of climate change.



Google Introduces Gemini AI for Enhanced Gmail Efficiency

Google introduces Gemini AI for Gmail, aiming to streamline email management. This tool assists in reading, writing, and organizing emails more efficiently, offering a timely innovation for the overwhelmed inbox.


Quark App Upgrades Gaokao AI Services to Assist Students in Intelligent College Major Selection

Quark App has upgraded its Gaokao AI services, enhancing its AI search and intelligent volunteer tools for college entrance exams, offering exclusive content to assist students in their college application process. Computer Science and Technology is the most popular major. Quark App is committed to improving product experience, refining data details, and leveraging its search capabilities to provide personalized AI responses. Additionally, Quark App addresses the urban-rural information gap, offering special support for rural students. Last year, over 30 million users benefited from Quark's Gaokao assistance products.

Personal Insight: Technological advancement is a double-edged sword. While Quark App's AI tools offer convenience to students, excessive reliance could potentially diminish personal judgment. Balancing technology with independent thinking is the optimal approach.


Unveiling Hidden iOS 18 Features: Eye Tracking and Enhanced Usability

WWDC 2024 introduced a plethora of iOS 18 features, though some fascinating enhancements went under the radar. Notably, iPhone and iPad users will now have access to eye tracking technology, facilitating hands-free navigation through gaze. The 'Math Notes' feature, previously exclusive to iPadOS, is now extended to iPhone, enabling users to solve equations using their fingers, albeit without the precision dial of the Apple Pencil Pro.

The flashlight now offers adjustable beam width, and pressing the side buttons initiates bezel animations, which could be a precursor to future iPhones equipped with solid-state buttons. Lastly, sharing Wi-Fi passwords is streamlined with a QR code generated via the new Passwords app.

These features, although not prominently featured at WWDC, significantly enhance the iOS experience, underscoring Apple's dedication to accessibility and user convenience.


Gogoro's Battery Swap Stations: Revolutionizing Mobility and Energy Infrastructure

Gogoro's Battery Swap Stations: Revolutionizing Mobility and Energy Infrastructure

Gogoro, a Taiwanese company, has established 12,500 battery exchange stations across the island, enabling electric scooter users to quickly swap depleted batteries for charged ones. Beyond convenience, these stations function as virtual power plants (VPPs), where distributed energy sources like batteries and solar panels are coordinated to stabilize the grid during peak demand, reducing reliance on fossil fuel power plants.

Gogoro's CEO, Horace Luke, envisioned this dual utility from inception, aiming not just for mobility but for broader energy solutions. The company's over 1.4 million batteries are not only pivotal for transportation but also serve as backup power for critical infrastructure like traffic lights and hospitals during outages, outperforming diesel generators in response time.

This integration of mobility and energy infrastructure showcases the versatility of battery technology, transforming from simple power sources into dynamic components of modern energy networks. Luke's vision underscores the potential of portable energy in reshaping how we manage and utilize power, echoing the transformative impact of seemingly mundane technologies like the flashlight he cherished as a child.



Tencent Video launches on visionOS, offering immersive viewing experience.

Tencent Video launches on visionOS, offering immersive viewing experience.

Tencent Video launches on visionOS, supporting Apple Vision Pro. Offering over 600 resources including "Joy of Life Season 2," it introduces immersive experiences like "IP Space" and "King's Sandbox." Utilizing RealityKit and spatial audio, it creates a 3D spatial environment to enhance the realism of visuals and audio. The XR version supports True Color Vision, optimizing the micro-OLED display performance of Vision Pro.



Study Reveals Sleep Deprivation's Impact on Memory Formation

Study Reveals Sleep Deprivation's Impact on Memory Formation

Sleep loss weakens memory signals in the brain, as revealed by a study in Nature. Even after recovery sleep, the damage isn't fully repaired. The study, which involved mice, demonstrated that sleep deprivation disrupts "sharp wave ripples"—synchronized neural patterns in the hippocampus essential for memory formation. These ripples, which occur both during wakefulness and sleep, are crucial for transferring knowledge into long-term memory.

Researchers noted that although sleep-deprived mice exhibited similar ripple frequencies to well-rested ones, their ripples were weaker and less organized, thus impairing memory consolidation. This implies that intense cramming before exams or all-nighters may be ineffective, as the crucial post-experience memory processing is compromised.

These findings highlight the critical role of sleep in preserving cognitive health and may lead to targeted therapies aimed at enhancing memory. Interestingly, disrupted sleep could also be therapeutically utilized to prevent traumatic memories from becoming ingrained, potentially providing relief for conditions such as PTSD.


MIT Researchers Develop Enhanced Gene Editing Technique for Human Cells

MIT Researchers Develop Enhanced Gene Editing Technique for Human Cells

MIT and Broad Institute researchers have advanced gene editing, enabling efficient insertion or replacement of entire genes in human cells. Led by David Liu, this development could revolutionize treatments for diseases like cystic fibrosis, where multiple gene mutations are involved.

The new method, eePASSIGE, utilizes prime editing and a novel recombinase to insert large DNA segments directly into the genome's native locations. This approach surpasses traditional methods, which often require multiple edits for each mutation.

Liu's team enhanced the efficiency of gene integration by evolving a more effective version of the Bxb1 recombinase. The improved eePASSIGE system can integrate up to 30% of a gene's size, significantly more than previous methods.

This breakthrough could lead to a single gene therapy capable of treating a wide range of genetic disorders, regardless of specific mutations. By preserving the surrounding DNA sequence, the therapy aims to ensure proper gene regulation, avoiding over- or under-expression.

Liu's ongoing work focuses on integrating eePASSIGE with delivery systems like engineered virus-like particles (eVLPs) to overcome barriers in therapeutic gene delivery. This could pave the way for effective in vivo gene editing treatments.



IOC Proposes Olympic Esports Games to Engage Younger Audiences

The Olympic Esports Games, proposed to engage younger audiences, are seeking approval for inclusion in the Olympic program at the upcoming Paris meeting. Advanced discussions with potential hosts are ongoing. This initiative emphasizes the digital revolution, inspired by the success of the Singapore event, which attracted a predominantly young audience.


U.S. Olympic Swimming Trials at Lucas Oil Stadium: Athletes Prepare for Paris 2024

U.S. Olympic swimming trials are scheduled for Lucas Oil Stadium, the home of the NFL's Colts. A temporary pool will be installed, transforming the venue into a massive aquatic arena. Katie Ledecky leads the pack, aiming for her fourth Olympics, while others like Caeleb Dressel and Simone Manuel are on comebacks. Doping concerns loom over the event, especially with revelations about Chinese swimmers. The trials, a display of human endurance and national pride, serve as the gateway to Paris 2024.

Ledecky, already a legend with six individual golds, has moved her training base to Florida under new coach Anthony Nesty. Dressel, recovering from burnout, is struggling to regain his form, missing qualification for the upcoming world championships. Manuel, overcoming overtraining syndrome, is showing promising speed.

The trials, often more challenging than the Olympics themselves, not only showcase physical prowess but also the mental strength needed to compete at the highest level. Amidst doping controversies, the integrity of the sport remains a critical concern, testing the faith of athletes and fans alike.
