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World News Daily(2024-06-28) : Historic Presidential Debate: Biden vs. Trump in 2024

Historic Presidential Debate: Biden vs. Trump in 2024

The inaugural 2024 general election debate presents a historic showdown between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, marking the first instance where a sitting president confronts a former one prior to accepting party nominations. This debate, taking place at CNN’s Atlanta studios on Thursday at 9 p.m. ET, will be moderated by CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash and will be broadcast live on CNN and other networks. Notably, Georgia, once a Republican stronghold, has transformed into a critical battleground state. Trump faces an indictment in Georgia stemming from his attempts to reverse Biden’s 2020 victory.

Initially, Biden’s campaign aimed to exclude third-party candidates. However, under debate commission rules, they may participate if they achieve ballot access for 270 Electoral Votes and poll at 15% or higher. CNN and ABC established a 15% threshold in four national polls for debate inclusion. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a potential third-party candidate, did not meet these criteria.

Both Biden and Trump bypassed primary debates, making this their first appearance in this election cycle. Biden initially declined to participate in traditional fall presidential debates but later accepted CNN’s invitation. Trump, keen on the debate, confirmed his participation via social media.

The subsequent debate, hosted by ABC on September 10, will be moderated by David Muir and Linsey Davis. Vice President Kamala Harris is scheduled to debate her Republican counterpart in July or August, hosted by CBS News.


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Elon Musk Challenges CNN's Broadcast Rules for Presidential Debate on X Platform

Elon Musk, owner of X (formerly Twitter), announced that X will allow third-party streams of the upcoming presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, defying CNN's broadcast rules. CNN, as the host of the debate, restricts live commentary during the event, a condition Musk rejects, arguing that the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) does not apply. This decision enables streamers, regardless of political affiliation, to provide live commentary without the fear of takedown, contrasting with Musk's recent right-leaning actions. The situation now depends on whether CNN will take legal action against Musk and X for non-compliance with their broadcast terms.

The DMCA, a law governing online copyright, usually prompts platforms to remove content at the request of rights holders. Musk's stance challenges this standard, potentially setting a precedent for fair use in live political commentary.



Congo Conflict Intensifies: Rising Sexual Violence and Child Recruitment

Conflict in Congo's east has intensified, marked by surges in sexual violence, child recruitment, and civilian casualties. The Red Cross reports a 90% increase in sexual assaults in Goma, with women resorting to carrying condoms to mitigate the consequences of rape. Child recruitment has risen by an estimated 80%, driven by the need to replace combatants in escalating battles. The ICRC supports hospitals that are overwhelmed, treating a third of last year's caseload in just one month. The use of sophisticated weapons in urban areas has led to more civilian injuries, with shrapnel wounds becoming common. Despite the grim statistics, the ICRC's budget for Congo remains significantly underfunded, at just 22% of the required 85 million Swiss francs.


2023 Canadian Wildfires Release Massive Amounts of CO2, Impacting Climate and Health

Canadian wildfires in 2023 released more heat-trapping carbon dioxide than India's fossil fuel emissions, scorching an area larger than West Virginia. These fires, fueled by warming temperatures, emitted 3.28 billion tons of CO2, nearly four times the annual emissions from airplanes.

Forests act as carbon sinks, storing CO2. When they burn, this stored carbon is released, contributing to global warming. Although regrowth can sequester some carbon over decades, the immediate impact exacerbates climate change.

The fires not only increased atmospheric CO2 but also degraded air quality, affecting millions and forcing over 200,000 residents to evacuate. Climate change, marked by warmer temperatures and drier conditions, is a significant factor in the escalation of these fires.

As the world continues to warm, catastrophic fire years like 2023 may become more frequent, posing a grave threat to ecosystems and human health.


The Sackler family, owners of Purdue Pharma, the company behind OxyContin, are under legal scrutiny for their part in the opioid crisis. Purdue Pharma, established in 1952, heavily promoted OxyContin, a potent prescription pain reliever, which resulted in widespread addiction and overdose fatalities. Although initially claiming low addiction risk, OxyContin's high potency and potential for abuse significantly contributed to the crisis.

Recently, the Supreme Court rejected a bankruptcy settlement that aimed to protect the Sacklers from additional civil lawsuits while funding initiatives to tackle the opioid epidemic. The proposed agreement involved a $6 billion contribution from the family and the transformation of Purdue Pharma into a public benefits corporation, with profits being channeled towards addressing the crisis.

Once celebrated philanthropists, the Sacklers have had their name stripped from various institutions due to public outcry. Despite legal strategies and settlements, the family denies any responsibility for the crisis. This ongoing situation highlights the intricate relationship between corporate profits, public health, and legal responsibility.



Amazon Faces £27 Billion Lawsuit in UK Over Alleged Market Dominance Abuse

Amazon Faces £27 Billion Lawsuit in UK Over Alleged Market Dominance Abuse

Amazon is embroiled in a new legal dispute in the UK, facing accusations of exploiting its market dominance. More than 200,000 third-party sellers are demanding £27 billion in damages, claiming that Amazon has unfairly promoted its own products and services, thereby distorting competition. The lawsuit, spearheaded by Professor Andreas Stephan, contends that Amazon's practices, such as the requirement to use its Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) service for Prime eligibility, have put sellers at a disadvantage, increasing costs and diminishing sales.

This legal challenge comes after years of scrutiny by UK and EU regulators regarding Amazon's handling of seller data and market conduct. Similar allegations have surfaced in the US, where Amazon has confronted several antitrust lawsuits. Despite recent settlements with regulatory bodies, these agreements have not involved financial penalties, leading sellers to pursue direct compensation through legal means.

The case highlights broader concerns about the influence wielded by tech giants and the necessity for strong antitrust enforcement to uphold fair market practices.


Chinese Automakers Poised for Global Market Dominance by 2030

Chinese automakers are set to capture 33% of the global automotive market by 2030, up from 21% in 2023, according to AlixPartners. This surge, fueled by rapid expansion beyond China, will see their overseas sales triple from 3 million to 9 million vehicles. The ascent of Chinese brands, renowned for affordability and cutting-edge technology, presents a formidable challenge to traditional automakers worldwide.

China's automotive industry, a new disruptor, excels in speed to market, cost efficiency, and technological innovation. Despite encountering stringent regulations and tariffs in markets such as North America, Chinese automakers are anticipated to make significant inroads in regions like Central and South America, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East.

In Europe, Chinese brands are expected to double their market share from 6% to 12% by 2030. The success of Chinese automakers relies on their cost advantages, localized production strategies, and tech-forward vehicles that resonate with consumer preferences.

For traditional automakers, the message is clear: adapt or face obsolescence. The race is on to match the agility and innovation of Chinese competitors.


Freeport Indonesia Launches $3.7bn Copper Smelter in East Java

Freeport Indonesia has inaugurated the world's largest copper smelter in East Java, tripling its copper cathode production to cater to the escalating demand for electric vehicles and renewable energy. The $3.7 billion Gresik-based facility is capable of producing between 600,000 to 700,000 tonnes annually, significantly enhancing Freeport's previous capacity of 300,000 tonnes.

President Tony Wenas expects to achieve full production by December, with the smelter also generating substantial amounts of gold and silver from anode slime. This development is in line with Indonesia's strategy to bolster domestic metal processing, following a ban on nickel ore exports.

Although scaling production rapidly presents challenges due to copper's capital-intensive mining process, the new smelter places Freeport in a favorable position amidst increasing copper prices. The government, which holds a majority stake in Freeport Indonesia, is in ongoing negotiations to increase its share and extend mining rights.

This strategic initiative not only strengthens Indonesia's industrial capabilities but also highlights the global transition towards sustainable technologies, which heavily depend on copper.



Google Translate Expands with 110 New Languages Using PaLM 2 AI

Google Translate has expanded to include 110 additional languages, powered by the PaLM 2 AI. This update notably includes Cantonese and numerous African languages, extending coverage to an additional 614 million speakers. A significant highlight is the revival of the Manx language. The challenges lie in navigating the diverse dialects and non-standard forms of these languages. This aligns with Google's objective to support up to 1,000 languages.


NASA's OSIRIS-REx Finds Evidence of Ocean World Origins on Asteroid Bennu

NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft, after sampling asteroid Bennu, discovered traces of magnesium-sodium phosphate—a compound typically associated with Earth's minerals and biological processes. This finding suggests that Bennu may have originated from a primitive ocean world, hinting at a watery past.

Bennu, a rare B-type asteroid, is carbonaceous and contains water-bearing minerals. The sample analysis revealed magnesium-bearing phyllosilicates, such as serpentine and smectite, which are common rocks found in Earth's mid-ocean ridges. These findings provide insights into Bennu's aqueous origins.

Despite surface alterations, Bennu still retains ancient characteristics from the early solar system, including a rich composition of carbon, nitrogen, and organic compounds—essential ingredients for life. This discovery not only expands our understanding of asteroid composition but also raises intriguing questions about the potential conditions for life beyond Earth.


YouTube's Dominance in Streaming and Its Impact on Traditional Media

YouTube's Dominance in Streaming and Its Impact on Traditional Media

YouTube, now a cornerstone of media consumption, commands nearly 10% of all TV viewership in the U.S., surpassing Netflix. Its dominance extends beyond the internet to the living room, with over 150 million Americans watching on connected TVs monthly.

Media giants like Netflix, Disney, and Warner Bros. Discovery are grappling with YouTube's dual role: a potential ally or a formidable foe. Some view it as a supplementary platform, while others see it as a threat to traditional entertainment, siphoning viewers and cultural influence from subscription services.

Disney, in particular, is keenly aware of YouTube's sway over younger audiences. The company contemplates integrating user-generated content into Disney+ and strategically placing full episodes of its series on YouTube to attract non-subscribers.

YouTube's advertising revenue surged to $31.5 billion in 2023, reflecting its robust market presence. Analysts estimate its standalone value at $400 billion, dwarfing major entertainment conglomerates.

The challenge for traditional media is clear: adapt to the user-generated content economy or risk obsolescence. YouTube's trajectory suggests it's not just a platform but a cultural phenomenon reshaping the entertainment landscape.



China Leads in Establishing International Esports Standards Group

China establishes an international esports standards group, addressing a global void in the industry's regulations. This initiative aims to propel worldwide esports development. Esports, short for electronic sports, refers to competitive video gaming. This move by China signifies a strategic push to lead and shape the future of this rapidly growing sector.


ByteDance Launches Free Online Literature App

ByteDance has launched "Danhua Novels" and "Changdu Novels," two free online literature apps, emphasizing free reading and audiobook experiences. This move marks the company's shift from a paid model to free online literature business, achieving significant rankings in the App Store's Books category.

Insight: ByteDance's strategic shift reflects the growing market demand for free content. By offering free reading and audiobook services, the company not only attracts more users but also strengthens its competitiveness in the digital content sector.


HBO Announces 'Harry Potter' Series for 2026, Featuring Emmy Winners as Creator and Director

HBO Announces 'Harry Potter' Series for 2026, Featuring Emmy Winners as Creator and Director

HBO confirms the "Harry Potter" series for 2026, with Emmy winners Francesca Gardiner as creator and Mark Mylod directing. The series will span seven seasons, aiming to faithfully adapt J.K. Rowling's novels and address gaps left by the films. Rowling serves as executive producer, ensuring the series remains true to the original stories. HBO pledges substantial investment, potentially surpassing the scale of "House of the Dragon."



Innovative Drug Data Presented at ADA Meeting Promises Holistic Health Improvements

Eli Lilly and other pharmaceutical companies presented encouraging data on weight loss and diabetes treatments at the American Diabetes Association's annual meeting. These companies are venturing into innovative strategies beyond conventional GLP-1 medications, focusing not only on weight loss but also on addressing other health issues and maintaining lean muscle mass.

Eli Lilly's Zepbound, a weight loss injection, demonstrated potential in alleviating obstructive sleep apnea in nearly half of the patients. Novo Nordisk's semaglutide, utilized in Wegovy and Ozempic, showed significant benefits in slowing the progression of kidney disease and reducing mortality risks in diabetes patients with chronic kidney disease. Zealand Pharma's petrelintide, which targets the amylin hormone, resulted in substantial weight loss in early trials. Altimmune's pemvidutide preserved lean muscle mass while facilitating fat loss in obesity trials.

These advancements highlight a shift in pharmaceutical research, moving from mere weight reduction to comprehensive health enhancements. The industry's move towards holistic patient care could redefine standards in metabolic disease treatment.


Canada's Centenarian Boom: A Growing Demographic and Its Challenges

Canada's centenarians, once a rarity, now form the fastest-growing age group. Their numbers have surged from 3,393 in 2000 to 11,705 in 2023, with projections to reach 106,100 by 2073. This demographic shift is attributed to advances in healthcare and heightened medical awareness, with genetics also playing a significant role.

Vi Roden, 101, reads 50 books a year and practices yoga. Joseph Novak, 100, a WWII veteran, listens to audiobooks. Despite challenges such as dementia and isolation, these centenarians embody resilience and joy.

However, societal structures lag in adapting to this aging population. Anne Martin-Matthews, a former professor, notes that despite decades of warning, sectors like healthcare and housing remain unprepared.

The secret to longevity varies: for Bill Hamill, it's "everything in moderation." Dr. Roger Wong emphasizes the importance of health awareness and lifestyle choices, alongside genetic predispositions.

Globally, centenarians are increasing, but Canada stands out with a high per capita rate. This trend extends to nonagenarians and octogenarians, highlighting a broader demographic transformation. As society ages, the need for comprehensive policy changes becomes urgent.


Study Finds Daily Multivitamins May Not Prolong Life and Could Increase Mortality Risk

Daily multivitamins, often seen as a health boost, may not prolong life and could even hasten death, a significant study reveals. Analyzing health records of nearly 400,000 disease-free adults over two decades, researchers found no longevity benefit and a slight increase in mortality among multivitamin users.

The study, led by Dr. Erikka Loftfield at the National Cancer Institute, suggests a 4% higher mortality risk initially among users. This could be due to the harmful effects of certain supplements or the tendency of ill individuals to start multivitamins.

Despite the multivitamin market's billions, experts warn of potential harm. For instance, while natural beta-carotene protects against cancer, its supplements can increase risks of lung cancer and heart disease. Iron supplements, common in multivitamins, can lead to overload and increase risks of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and dementia.

Dr. Neal Barnard, commenting on the study, highlights that vitamins are beneficial in specific cases but notes, "multivitamins overpromise and underdeliver." He emphasizes the importance of a healthy diet over supplements.

Duane Mellor, a dietitian, adds that supplements can fill gaps in nutrient-poor diets but cannot substitute for a balanced diet. He suggests specific supplements like vitamin D for UK adults in winter or vitamin B12 for vegans and vegetarians.

In essence, multivitamins do not support longevity and may pose risks. A balanced diet remains the cornerstone of health.



Glen Sather's Retirement Marks the End of an Era in Hockey

Glen Sather, a titan of hockey, retires after six decades. Known as "Slats," he molded the Edmonton Oilers into a dynasty, capturing five Stanley Cups. His strategic prowess and player development skills were unmatched. Sather also rejuvenated the New York Rangers, leading them to frequent playoff appearances.

His legacy is a fusion of tactical brilliance and heartfelt concern for his players. Sather's influence on the sport is permanent, marked by records and accolades, including the Jack Adams Award. His retirement creates a gap, but his impact will persist.

Sather's career journeyed from player to coach to executive, a unique trifecta of success in the NHL. His knack for identifying and cultivating talent, including Wayne Gretzky and Mark Messier, turned teams into champions. His era, characterized by innovation and fortitude, will be remembered as a golden age of hockey management.


Euro 2024: A Celebration of Soccer and Fans Across Germany

Euro 2024, a tapestry of soccer woven across Germany, showcased fans as its brightest stars. From Leipzig to Berlin, vibrant Dutch and Scottish supporters painted the cities in their hues, their joy a stark contrast to the discontented boos at underperforming teams like England and Belgium.

The tournament, a beacon of hope after pandemic-restricted Euros, highlighted the fearless play of debutant Georgia, contrasting sharply with cautious Scotland's exit. Superstars like Ronaldo and Mbappé struggled, their luster dimmed by age or injury, yet the tournament's pulse remained strong.

Referees, adapting to video reviews, awarded fewer penalties, a shift from previous years. Meanwhile, Deutsche Bahn, despite its decline in service quality, remained integral, transporting fans across a landscape of matches and memories.

Euro 2024, a blend of triumph and tribulation, reminds us that soccer, like life, is as much about the journey as the final score.
