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World News Daily(2024-06-30) : China Strengthens State Control Over Rare Earth Resources

China Strengthens State Control Over Rare Earth Resources

China Strengthens State Control Over Rare Earth Resources

China now claims all rare-earth resources as state property. This rule, effective October 1, tightens control over the entire supply chain—from mining to export.

Rare earths are crucial metals used in many technologies, including electric vehicles and missiles. China dominates global production, accounting for about 70% in 2023.

This move is part of China's strategy to secure its industrial and resource sectors, especially as the U.S. tries to reduce its reliance on Chinese imports for these materials.

The regulation aims to prevent illegal mining and smelting, emphasizing state control, safety, innovation, and green development.

China's actions reflect broader tensions with the U.S., which has also restricted Chinese access to advanced chip technology. This regulation is a response to those challenges, ensuring China maintains leverage in critical materials.



Supreme Court's Decision on Trump's Immunity and Other Key Rulings

The Supreme Court concluded a busy term, ruling on issues such as abortion, guns, environment, health, opioids, securities fraud, and homelessness. The major question now is: Will Trump be immune from prosecution for his involvement in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot?

The court's decision, anticipated in early July, is likely to postpone any trial until after the November election. This timing aligns with Trump's legal team's strategy, who have sought delays in all four criminal cases against him.

Critics contend that the court's deliberate pace provides Trump with "immunity by delay." A federal appeals court previously dismissed his immunity claim, but the Supreme Court has agreed to review his appeal.

The court also addresses state laws restricting social media content regulation, in response to conservative allegations of liberal bias and censorship.

In a different action, the justices dismissed a lawsuit against the Biden administration, which accused it of exerting improper pressure on social media to remove controversial posts.


Elizabeth I's Spy Network Revealed in 428-Year-Old Document

Elizabeth I's Spy Network Revealed in 428-Year-Old Document

A 428-year-old document, hidden in the National Archives, has revealed Elizabeth I's spy network. Robert Cecil, her spymaster, organized this network to gather intelligence on European monarchs. Historian Stephen Alford discovered the document, titled "The names of the Intelligencers," and has spent years reconstructing Cecil's espionage files.

Cecil's network was extensive, involving over 20 spies in various European cities. These spies were mostly international merchants, chosen for their travel abilities, language skills, and existing networks. Each spy sent coded reports to Cecil, who decrypted them using individual ciphers.

Alford believes this network was the first properly organized secret service in England. Cecil's meticulous organization and funding allowed him to operate effectively, providing accurate information rather than mere gossip. This discovery sheds new light on Elizabethan espionage and Cecil's role in it.


Global Concerns Rise as Hezbollah and Israel Face Off

U.S., Europe, and Arab mediators urge Hezbollah to halt attacks on Israel, fearing a broader Middle East war. Hezbollah, stronger than Hamas, faces warnings not to challenge Israel's military might. The group should not rely on U.S. intervention to deter Israel if it invades Lebanon.

Recent strikes between Israel and Hezbollah have plateaued, but tensions remain high. The U.S. has deployed an amphibious assault ship to the region to deter conflict. Israel and Hezbollah possess significant firepower, capable of causing heavy casualties.

U.N. humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths describes a potential war as "apocalyptic." Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warns of catastrophic consequences for Lebanon. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant emphasizes readiness for various scenarios.

Iran-allied militias in the region could escalate hostilities. Iran, focused on domestic politics, views Hezbollah as a strategic partner. The U.S. may intervene if Israel faces serious threats.

Hezbollah's arsenal includes an estimated 150,000 rockets and missiles. Israeli leaders threaten Gaza-like devastation on Lebanon if war erupts. Diplomatic efforts by the U.S., France, and other European nations aim to reduce tensions.

White House officials support Israel's right to defend itself but caution against opening a second front. They acknowledge the possibility of a major escalation.



Associated Press Launches Initiative to Support Local Journalism

Associated Press, founded in 1846, faces a crisis in local news. Free online sites threaten traditional outlets. AP plans a sister organization to seek grants, aiming to bolster local reporting. Daisy Veerasingham, AP's CEO, cites a decline in local journalists from 75,000 to 31,000 since 2000. Over half of U.S. counties lack local news outlets. AP's goal: new products and services to aid the industry.


Asteroid Bennu's Oceanic Origins and Life's Potential Beginnings

Scientists discovered water-soluble magnesium-sodium phosphate in rocks from asteroid Bennu. This mineral was unexpected and not previously identified in earlier data. It suggests that Bennu might have originated from an ocean world.

Phosphate compounds are essential for life, being part of DNA's structure. The samples from Bennu indicate a history involving water. The asteroid is rich in carbon and could contain clues about the origins of life. Some fragments might even date back to before the solar system.

NASA's OSIRIS-Rex mission, launched in 2016, retrieved these samples, marking the first time the U.S. has collected asteroid material. These findings support the need for further research on asteroids like Bennu.

Bennu's samples are now available for global research. Scientists aim to track the evolution of simple carbon molecules into complex life-supporting chemicals. The discovery of amino acids or nucleic acids in these samples could be a significant breakthrough.

Bennu's rocky composition and possible connections to ocean worlds like Enceladus deepen its intrigue. The mission's success highlights the importance of asteroid research in understanding the beginnings of life.


Record Fires Ravage Brazil's Pantanal Wetlands Early

Brazil’s Pantanal, the world’s largest tropical wetlands, is burning. Fires typically flare from July to September, but June saw a record 2,500 blazes, more than six times the number in June 2020. Environment Minister Marina Silva calls it one of the worst situations ever seen.

The Pantanal, a biodiversity hotspot, is drying up. The Paraguay River basin is experiencing severe water scarcity. Fires are devouring the flora and charred animals. Silva attributes the fires to human activity, climate change, and prolonged effects of El Nino and La Nina phenomena.

The federal government has deployed 285 agents and 82 National Guard members to support local fire brigades. Fire committees, including government branches and environmental nonprofits, discuss fire management and train local communities in prevention and early response.

Manuel Garcia da Silva, head of a fire brigade, says most fires are underground, burning through nearly a meter of material under the soil. His brigade spends seven hours a day fighting fires.

Conditions are more severe than in 2020. Expectations for extreme drought in August and September are causing alarm. Renata Libonati, a meteorology professor, says the vegetation is under stress, predisposed to burning. Since January, fires have destroyed over 688,000 hectares.

Most fires are likely human-caused. Minister Silva says 85% originate in private properties. Traditional farmers use fire to manage pasture areas, despite the ban.

Environmental organizations had warned of the danger long before the fires. A study found that dry and semi-arid areas have expanded across Brazil over the past 30 years. The Pantanal has dried up most since 1985.



Chinese Auto Brands See Significant Sales Growth in May 2024

In May 2024, Chinese car brands sold 1.323 million units, up 20.4% year-on-year. Market share rose to 63.7%. From January to May, sales totaled 5.987 million units, a 25.2% increase.

This surge reflects a robust domestic market and growing global demand. The data underscores China's accelerating shift towards electric vehicles and sustainable automotive technology.


IRS Implements New Crypto Tax Reporting Regulations

Crypto platforms must report transactions to the IRS starting in 2026. This move, part of the Biden Administration's Infrastructure Act, aims to standardize tax reporting and combat evasion. Decentralized platforms, which don't hold assets, are exempt. The IRS plans separate regulations for them.


  • Crypto platforms: Services like Coinbase where users buy and sell cryptocurrencies.
  • Decentralized platforms: Systems where transactions occur directly between users, without a central authority holding assets.

The Strategic Importance of Lithium in the Global Energy Transition

The Strategic Importance of Lithium in the Global Energy Transition

Lithium, a soft metal, fuels the battery boom. Used in laptops, phones, and electric cars, it's crucial for clean energy goals. Mined from brines or hard rocks, its reserves are vast but concentrated. Chile leads with 9.3 million tons, followed by Australia and Argentina. Bolivia tops all with 21 million tons. The U.S. holds third place globally.

Lithium resources dictate the electric future. Control over these reserves shapes the industry's direction. The race for lithium underscores the global push towards sustainability.


Legacy Software Giants Thrive on Cloud and AI Transitions

Legacy software giants SAP, Oracle, and IBM are soaring. SAP hit a $234 billion valuation, up 50% in a year. CEO Christian Klein pushed cloud and AI, boosting cloud revenue 24%.

Oracle's at $385 billion, up 20% last year. CEO Safra Catz credits AI-fueled cloud growth. Cloud revenue jumped 20%, thanks to deals with Microsoft, Google, and OpenAI.

IBM's at $160 billion, up 30% last year. CEO Arvind Krishna focused on AI and cloud, launching Watsonx. Goldman Sachs sees potential in IBM's modern software pivot.

These companies thrive on cloud and AI transitions. Gartner's John-David Lovelock notes digital transformation drives growth. Ray Wang from Constellation Research points to reduced competition and a stagnant IPO market.

Legacy firms leverage market presence and customer bases. Their cloud transitions align with AI's cloud dependence. Strategic acquisitions like IBM's HashiCorp and SAP's WalkMe bolster their relevance.

AI's impact may be minimal now, but Wall Street demands it. Gartner's hype cycle warns of a potential disillusionment trough. Yet, legacy firms like SAP, Oracle, and IBM are well-positioned for mainstream AI adoption.


Annual Russell Index Rebalancing Reflects Tech Dominance

Annual Russell Index Rebalancing Reflects Tech Dominance

On June 28, the Russell indices—including Russell 1000, 2000, and 3000—underwent their annual rebalancing. This process, managed by FTSE Russell, adjusts the indices' components to mirror current market conditions. It's based on factors like market cap and liquidity.

This event is significant; about $10.5 trillion follows these indices. Traders and fund managers adjust their portfolios to align with the updated indices, leading to heavy trading volumes, especially near market close.

This year, Nasdaq's closing cross system handled $953 billion in trades, a record. The rebalance highlighted tech's dominance. The top ten companies in Russell 1000 now hold 34.3% of the index, the highest in 40 years. Microsoft tops the list, followed by Nvidia and Amazon. Tech's overall weight in the index is also at a historic high of 36.1%.

FTSE Russell's CEO, Fiona Bassett, noted the shift reflects a tech-centric economic restructuring in the U.S. The Russell 2000, meanwhile, leans heavily towards healthcare, with 41 new healthcare companies added.

Invest wisely. This summary isn't financial advice and doesn't account for individual financial situations.



The team from Beihang University has developed a super-resolution photonic force microscope, achieving sub-femtonewton mechanical sensing in aqueous solutions.

The team from Beihang University has developed a super-resolution photonic force microscope, achieving sub-femtonewton mechanical sensing in aqueous solutions.

The team from Beihang University has recently developed a super-resolution photonic force microscope, achieving sub-femtonewton-level mechanical sensing in aqueous solutions for the first time. It detected the smallest electric field force at 108.2 aN, with a sensitivity of 1.8 fN/√Hz. This technology combines ion resonance nanoprobes, optical three-dimensional super-resolution positioning, and machine learning, addressing the challenge of weak force measurements in aqueous solutions.

The microscope has broad application prospects, particularly in studying extremely weak interactions between DNA molecules. Traditional theories suggest that complementary DNA strands require close contact to pair in aqueous solutions, but this new tool reveals the possibility of long-range forces. Additionally, the technology can be used to study interactions of molecules such as CRISPR proteins.

Detecting extremely weak forces in aqueous solutions is crucial for understanding the operation of biological molecules. Previously, the highest sensitivity for force measurements in aqueous solutions was about 10 fN/√Hz, but the new method has elevated this to sub-femtonewton levels, providing an effective tool for studying long-range interactions of biological molecules in physiological environments.

Through theoretical analysis and experimental verification, the team improved force measurement accuracy by using lower potential well stiffness, higher positioning precision, and a large amount of positioning data. They also introduced a cylindrical lens positioning method from super-resolution imaging to refine the final steps of three-dimensional force measurement.

This research is not only scientifically significant but also opens new avenues for future studies on biological molecules.


Zhihu launches its AI product "Zhihu Direct Answer" to enhance search experience.

Zhihu has launched an AI product called "Zhihu ZhiDa" to enhance search experience. The AI-powered search has been productized and is now available on PC via "zhida.AI". Plans are in place to develop an App, introduce multimodal capabilities, deepen community integration, and explore external collaborations.

Zhihu continues to advance AI technology, such as opening up the "Zhihai Tu AI" large model for services, empowering multiple business scenarios. Zhihu Zhi Xuetang operates independently, reshaping vocational education.

Zhihu's monthly active users have surpassed 100 million and it has been included in the FTSE index. A decade-long user data report has been released, accumulating over 44 million questions and 2.4 billion answers.


  • Multimodal capabilities: Refers to the AI's ability to process multiple types of data (such as text, images, and sounds).
  • FTSE index: An international stock market index reflecting company market capitalization and industry status.

JiuShi Intelligence launches L4 autonomous vehicles at an affordable price, setting a new industry low.

JiuShi Intelligence launches L4 autonomous vehicles at an affordable price, setting a new industry low.

JiuShi Intelligence, a rising star in Suzhou, has risen to prominence in just three years. They have launched L4-level autonomous vehicles, starting at a price of 39,800 RMB, with functions covering express delivery, fresh produce, and food delivery. Their new product launch sold out half a year's production capacity within an hour.

Their product line is diverse, ranging from the Z2 to the Z10, with cargo spaces from 2m³ to 10m³, all at affordable prices. The Z5 model has been upgraded with enhanced appearance, features, and algorithms, priced at 49,800 RMB. The hardware is robust, featuring dual NVIDIA Orin chips with a computing power of 512 TOPS, equipped with multiple sensors, and a perception range exceeding 300 meters.

The software algorithms have been upgraded with the ZOE 2.0 architecture, capable of operating in harsh weather conditions. Their business model is flexible, combining direct operations with dealers, offering software subscription services, and providing L4-level autonomous driving.

The founder, Kong Qi, has backgrounds from Baidu and, and is a tech expert. The JiuShi team has rich practical experience, having firsthand experience in courier services, and a deep understanding of industry pain points.

The industry is recovering, with the cost of unmanned delivery decreasing, leading to significant cost reductions for customers and promising profitability for suppliers. JiuShi Intelligence is leading the industry, with a bright future ahead.


3D Journey Through the Pillars of Creation with Hubble and Webb

3D Journey Through the Pillars of Creation with Hubble and Webb

NASA's latest visualization merges data from Hubble and James Webb telescopes, offering a 3D journey through the iconic "Pillars of Creation" in the Eagle Nebula. This composite image combines Hubble's visible light views with Webb's infrared, revealing detailed structures within these star-forming clouds.

The pillars, composed of cold hydrogen and dust, are eroded by nearby stars' winds and UV radiation. They extend over three light-years, with embryonic stars embedded within. The visualization allows viewers to experience these structures in three dimensions, contrasting their appearances in different wavelengths.

This project, led by the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), enhances understanding of how multiple telescopes observe the same celestial bodies. It also provides a comprehensive view of star formation stages, from embedded protostars to newly formed stars ejecting material.

In addition to the video, a 3D printed model of the pillars is available, allowing tactile exploration of these cosmic structures. This initiative, part of NASA's Universe of Learning program, aims to engage the public with NASA's astrophysics missions, fostering a deeper appreciation of the universe.


Video Game

"Baldur's Gate 3" is offering an 80% discount on Steam in the Chinese region, with an update scheduled for September.

"Baldur's Gate 3" is currently on sale for 20% off in the Steam China region, priced at 238.4 RMB. The game has recently gained immense popularity on the Steam Deck, with sales nearing 15 million. An update, including official PC Mod tools, is set to launch in September. Steam's Spring Sale next year is scheduled for March 12th to 21st.


Amazon releases standalone "Tomb Raider" game and live-action series.

Amazon releases standalone 'Tomb Raider' game and live-action series.

Amazon Games is set to release a new installment of "Tomb Raider," unrelated to the live-action series on Prime Video. Vice President Hartman emphasizes the importance of cross-media but notes the independence of the game and the series. He cites Marvel's "Spider-Man" as an example to illustrate brand consistency. The release dates for the "Tomb Raider" game and live-action series are yet to be determined, while Netflix's animated series "Legend of Lara" is scheduled to premiere on October 10th.

Cross-media franchise: Refers to the development and promotion of the same brand across different media formats such as games, movies, and series.



Balmoral Castle Opens for Public Tours for the First Time

Balmoral Castle Opens for Public Tours for the First Time

Balmoral Castle, a royal retreat since 1852, opens to public tours for the first time. Visitors explore rooms like the entrance hall, library, and drawing room, now restored to Queen Victoria's original style by King Charles. Tickets, including options with afternoon tea, sold out quickly. The castle, described as "homely," features art by Sir Edwin Henry Landseer and items like a chauffeur's whistle and a dinner gong from HMS Temeraire.


Banksy's Migrant Boat Art Stunt at Glastonbury

Banksy's Migrant Boat Art Stunt at Glastonbury

Banksy staged a migrant boat stunt at Glastonbury during Idles' set. An inflatable raft, carrying dummy migrants, floated over the crowd. The band, unaware, sang about immigration and unity. Banksy's move highlighted the harsh realities of migrant journeys, contrasting with the festival's festive atmosphere. This act underscores the ongoing debate on immigration, using art to provoke thought and empathy.


"Inside Out 2" has strong box office performance and is about to break through the $1 billion mark.

'Inside Out 2' has strong box office performance and is about to break through the $1 billion mark.

"Inside Out 2" has seen strong box office performance, surpassing $400 million in North America and reaching $835 million globally. It is predicted to break $10 billion this weekend, becoming the first film of 2024 to do so. The sequel expands the range of emotions, introducing anxiety, envy, boredom, and awkwardness, showcasing the changes of adolescence. The film is seen as Pixar's savior, continuing the creativity of the previous installment and deepening emotional expression.


One Piece Live-Action Season 2 Cast Announced

One Piece Live-Action Season 2 Cast Announced

Netflix's "One Piece" live-action series, based on Eiichiro Oda's manga, announces the cast for Season 2. Callum Kerr will play Smoker, Julia Rehwald as Tashigi, Rob Colletti as Wapol, and Ty Keogh as Doru. The show, set in the fictional "Great Pirate Era," follows Luffy and his crew. Since its launch in 1997, both the manga and anime have exceeded 1,000 episodes. The first season, released in September 2023, stars Iñaki Godoy and is executive produced by Oda. It successfully captures the essence of the era and has received positive reviews.


San Francisco Bookstore Sends LGBTQ+ Books to Banned States

Becka Robbins operates "Books Not Bans" from Fabulosa Books in San Francisco's Castro District. She ships LGBTQ+ books to states that have banned them. Robbins utilizes customer donations to dispatch books that explore queer history, sexuality, and romance. From July 2022 to June 2023, over 40% of book bans occurred in Florida, with Texas and Missouri following closely.

Book bans have reached unprecedented levels, impacting both school and public libraries. PEN America notes that 30% of banned books feature characters of color or address race, and another 30% contain LGBTQ+ themes. Conservative groups such as Moms for Liberty advocate for these bans, citing sexually explicit content, although 38% of their objections relate to LGBTQ+ themes.

So far, Robbins has distributed 740 books, each valued between $300 and $400. At the Rose Dynasty Center in Lakeland, Florida, these donated books have found a place on the shelves. Jason DeShazo, a drag queen who manages the center, strives to offer a safe haven and a collection of banned books.

Robbins prefers to send young adult queer romances, a genre that is expanding and reflecting broader discussions about LGBTQ+ topics. These books depict ordinary kids—ordinary people who happen to be queer—experiencing love and happiness.



AI-Powered 'Nurse' Enhances Hospital Experience in Shanghai

AI-Powered 'Nurse' Enhances Hospital Experience in Shanghai

Shanghai First People's Hospital has adopted Alipay's "AI Medical Assistant" to launch the first voice-interactive "AI Companion - Gongji Xiao Yi" based on a large model. Patients can ask questions via Alipay, such as "What department should I go to for dry eyes?", and receive medical advice and registration services. The AI Companion can also provide waiting information and in-hospital navigation to improve the medical experience.

Natural Language Processing Technology: The technology that enables computers to understand and generate human language.


Robotic Ultrasound Scanning System Assists in Thyroid Nodule Detection

Robotic Ultrasound Scanning System Assists in Thyroid Nodule Detection

Professor Du Guanglong's team at South China University of Technology has developed a robotic ultrasound scanning system for thyroid nodule detection. This system integrates artificial intelligence to perform high-quality ultrasound scans automatically without human assistance.

The system comprises components such as a six-degree-of-freedom UR3 robotic arm and a linear ultrasound probe, which can automatically approach the neck, navigate, and detect nodules. The team has validated the system's accuracy and reliability through clinical tests.

During a test, a team member unexpectedly discovered a malignant thyroid tumor, prompting him to change his lifestyle, undergo active treatment, and eventually regain his health. This experience underscores the importance of early detection.

The system is expected to address the shortage of ultrasound services in primary healthcare settings, enhance diagnostic accuracy and consistency, and drive innovation and development in related technologies.

The team plans to conduct clinical validation in more medical institutions, collect data, optimize the system, and ensure its broad applicability and reliability.


Alzheimer's disease research faces significant challenges: Nature paper falsification scandal.

Alzheimer's disease research faces significant challenges: Nature paper falsification scandal.

Research on Alzheimer's disease has encountered a significant setback. A Nature paper cited nearly 2500 times, due to fabrication, faces retraction and could have misled research for up to 18 years. Two experts, Chen Yelin and Leng Lige, discuss the disease's pathogenesis and the latest research progress. Chen Yelin focuses on neurobiology and chemical biology, while Leng Lige studies Alzheimer's disease from the perspective of altered neural cell metabolic networks.

Alzheimer's disease, commonly known as senile dementia, primarily affects memory and cognitive functions. Its pathogenesis is complex, involving genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Treatment options include medications and non-pharmacological interventions, but the development of new drugs faces numerous challenges.

The falsifiability of scientific research is its core characteristic, and clinical trials and new drug development are crucial steps in validating hypotheses. Alzheimer's disease not only affects memory but can also lead to emotional and behavioral issues. Care for patients requires patience and specialized knowledge.

Screening and early diagnosis are key to prevention and treatment. Alzheimer's disease could become the next major disease affecting human lifespan.


One Health Approach to Combat Zoonotic Diseases in Asia

One Health Approach to Combat Zoonotic Diseases in Asia

Zoonotic diseases, which are those that can jump from animals to humans, are on the rise in Asia. Factors such as population growth, deforestation, and climate change are driving this trend. Recent examples include the H5N1 and H5N6 strains of bird flu, which have affected poultry across several Asian countries.

The "One Health" approach, which integrates human, animal, and environmental health, is crucial. It necessitates collaboration across various sectors and disciplines. Livestock health is particularly important, given its role in food security and livelihoods for many in Asia.

Heifer International's Community Agrovet Entrepreneurs (CAVE) program trains local individuals to manage animal health. This model not only improves livestock care but also empowers women and enhances community awareness of health interconnections.

Rajni Hembran, a CAVE participant in India, provides on-site animal care, boosting local livestock health and productivity. Her work exemplifies the practical benefits of the One Health approach at the grassroots level.

The CAVE model effectively addresses multiple issues: reducing disease transmission, educating communities, improving livestock productivity, and promoting women's leadership and economic empowerment.


Hurricane Beryl Intensifies in the Atlantic, Expected to Become Major Storm

Beryl, a Category 1 hurricane, formed farthest east in the Atlantic in June, breaking a 1933 record. It's expected to intensify into a major storm, Category 3 or higher, before hitting Barbados. Hurricane warnings are in place for several Caribbean islands.

The storm's rapid intensification is attributed to record-high ocean heat content. Beryl is the strongest June tropical storm on record in this region.

Barbadian Prime Minister Mia Mottley urged readiness, noting the island's hosting of the Twenty20 World Cup cricket final. Some fans are altering travel plans to avoid the storm.

St. Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves prepared shelters and extended business hours to accommodate storm preparations.

Beryl is the second named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season, predicted to be busy. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecasts 17 to 25 named storms, with up to 13 hurricanes and four major ones.

Rain, high surf, and storm surges are expected in affected areas. Caribbean leaders are also monitoring a cluster of thunderstorms following Beryl's path.



Kishane Thompson Sets Fastest 100m Time in Two Years

Kishane Thompson, 22, won Jamaica's 100-meter national championship in 9.77 seconds. His time is the fastest globally in two years. Thompson, following his coach's advice, eased off after 60 meters. He aims to join Usain Bolt as an Olympic champion. Thompson's performance ranks him fourth-fastest among Jamaicans, behind Bolt, Yohan Blake, and Asafa Powell.


Olympics TV Viewership Declines as Fans Turn to Social Media

Olympics TV Viewership Declines as Fans Turn to Social Media

Sports fans are now favoring social media clips over live TV broadcasts of the Olympics. This change is detrimental to the International Olympic Committee, which relies on broadcast rights for 60% of its revenue.

TV viewership has declined: 3.05 billion people watched the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, a decrease from 3.6 billion in London 2012. Meanwhile, internet clips have seen a surge: 28 billion views in Tokyo, up from 1.9 billion in London.

Young viewers, such as a Japanese individual in their twenties, opt for highlights instead of live TV. Since 1984, IOC broadcast revenues have increased tenfold, but now they face a potential decline.

Pay-per-view and high rights fees are reducing traditional TV audiences. Free Olympic broadcasts are straining TV channels, resulting in losses.

The 2024 Paris Olympics poses challenges for Japanese broadcasters due to time differences and the yen's depreciation.

TV sports once brought viewers together, but now smartphones are fragmenting the audience. Youth TV sports viewership and participation in sports clubs have decreased.

Olympics organizers are looking at e-sports, but financial interests could further destabilize the Games.


Lionel Messi Reaches 700 Career Goals and Other Sports Milestones

Lionel Messi scores his 700th career goal. June 30, 1909: Jack Johnson retains his heavyweight title in a no decision bout. 1916: Amateur Chick Evans Jr. wins the U.S. Open. 1929: Bobby Jones dominates the U.S. Open playoff. 1962: Murle Lindstrom wins the U.S. Women’s Open. 1965: The NFL grants Atlanta a franchise for $8.5 million. 1975: Muhammad Ali beats Joe Bugner in Malaysia. 1978: Willie McCovey hits his 500th home run.

1991: Wimbledon plays on the middle Sunday for the first time. 1993: Chris Webber is drafted first by Orlando. 1994: Diego Maradona is banned from the World Cup. 1995: Eddie Murray reaches 3,000 hits. 1996: Germany wins the UEFA Euro Final. 1999: Elton Brand is drafted first by Chicago. 2002: Brazil wins the World Cup with Ronaldo's goals.

2012: Yaroslava Shvedova wins every point in a set at Wimbledon. 2013: Inbee Park wins the U.S. Women’s Open. 2015: USA defeats Germany in the Women’s World Cup. 2016: Coastal Carolina wins the College World Series. 2018: Kylian Mbappé scores twice in a World Cup match. 2021: Trea Turner ties the MLB record with his third cycle.

Sports history is an unending progression of records and milestones. Each event is a testament to human endurance and skill. Messi's 700th goal is a significant point in soccer's enduring story.
