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World News Daily(2024-09-16) : Trump Escapes Assassination Attempt;,Suspect Arrested

Trump Escapes Assassination Attempt;,Suspect Arrested

Trump Escapes Assassination Attempt;,Suspect Arrested

Donald Trump, Republican presidential candidate, narrowly escaped an assassination attempt while golfing in West Palm Beach, Florida. Secret Service agents intercepted a gunman armed with an AK-47-style rifle, approximately 400 yards from Trump. The suspect, Ryan Wesley Routh, fled but was later arrested.

This incident follows a previous shooting at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania, where Trump sustained a minor ear injury. Both events underscore the heightened security challenges for presidential candidates amid a polarized election.

Routh, identified by CNN, Fox News, and The New York Times, had profiles on X, Facebook, and LinkedIn suggesting he was a supporter of Ukraine in its conflict with Russia. His social media activity also indicated support for Democratic candidates Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden.

Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw praised the Secret Service's response, noting they acted swiftly to protect Trump. The suspect's motive remains unclear.

Trump, currently in a tight race with Democratic candidate Kamala Harris, expressed gratitude for his Secret Service detail. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris were briefed on the incident and expressed relief at Trump's safety.



Bangladesh Seeks Economic Revitalization and Institutional Reforms with U.S. Support

Bangladesh Seeks Economic Revitalization and Institutional Reforms with U.S. Support

Bangladesh, under caretaker leader Muhammad Yunus, seeks a "reset, reform, restart" after ousting Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Yunus met with a U.S. delegation led by Donald Lu, discussing economic revitalization and institutional reforms.

The new government aims to recover $100 billion embezzled over 15 years, primarily through trade mis-invoicing and the hundi network. The U.S. pledged $202 million in aid, adding to the $425 million already disbursed under a 2021 agreement.

International support includes $2.5 billion from the World Bank and Asian Development Bank for banking reforms. Bangladesh also seeks an additional $5 billion from the IMF.

The U.S. delegation's visit signals significant support, crucial for Bangladesh's economic stability. American companies, key in Bangladesh's clothing export sector, could boost growth with appropriate reforms.

Washington's backing aligns with public demands for effective governance and sustainable democratic institutions, reflecting ongoing U.S. engagement in the Indo-Pacific region.


Iran Supplies Ballistic Missiles to Enhance Russia's Precision Strike Capability

Iran Supplies Ballistic Missiles to Enhance Russia's Precision Strike Capability

Britain's Defense Ministry reports that Iran has supplied Russia with close-range ballistic missiles. These missiles, with a 120-kilometer range and 30-meter accuracy, enhance Russia's precision strikes on Ukraine. Sanctions are being imposed on entities linked to both Iran and Russia. Meanwhile, Russia is producing long-range drones using Chinese engines, which has raised concerns among Western nations. NATO is urging China to cease supporting Russia's war efforts.


The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress passed the reform of gradually delaying the statutory retirement age.

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress has passed a decision on the gradual delay of the statutory retirement age, emphasizing the principles of "small steps adjustment, flexible implementation, classified advancement, and overall consideration." The reform aims to balance necessity, urgency, feasibility, and operability, by collecting public opinion through multiple channels and considering the needs of different groups.

"Small steps adjustment" means gradually delaying retirement, with a monthly delay of one month, maintaining a steady pace. "Flexible implementation" allows employees to choose their retirement time within the policy framework, either delaying or advancing it.

The reform also involves supporting measures in various areas such as employment, labor rights, unemployment insurance, and pension insurance, aiming to create a synergy of policies and enhance overall effectiveness.

Currently, the statutory retirement age can be conveniently checked through channels like the electronic social security card. In the future, it is necessary to strengthen publicity and interpretation, ensure smooth policy transitions, and guarantee the stable implementation of the reform.

Key Term Explanations:

  • Statutory Retirement Age: The legally stipulated age at which an individual should retire.
  • Gradual Delay: The phased and incremental delay of the retirement age.
  • Flexible Implementation: Allowing individuals to choose their retirement time within a certain range.
  • Overall Consideration: Comprehensive consideration of various factors to ensure policy coordination.

TikTok Faces U.S. Appeals Court Hearing on Sell-or-Ban Law

TikTok Faces U.S. Appeals Court Hearing on Sell-or-Ban Law

TikTok faces a pivotal hearing in a U.S. appeals court to block a sell-or-ban law. The law, signed by President Biden in April, mandates ByteDance, TikTok's Chinese owner, to divest its American operations within 270 days. TikTok argues this is unconstitutional, violating 170 million users' free speech rights under the First Amendment.

The U.S. government claims TikTok poses a national security threat, potentially serving as a propaganda tool for the Chinese Communist Party. TikTok counters that divestiture is technologically, commercially, and legally unfeasible within the given timeframe.

The case is consolidated with other lawsuits challenging the sell-or-ban law, filed by TikTok users and civil rights groups. The court has been asked to rule by December 6.

The hearing occurs amid a heated presidential race. Both Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump, who initially sought to ban TikTok, now oppose such a move. China has also opposed a forced divestiture, citing technology export issues under Chinese law.

This case is a stark reminder of the intersection between technology, national security, and individual rights. The outcome will set a precedent for future regulations on foreign-owned tech companies in the U.S.



Yellow River Water Unified Dispatch for 25 Years: From Frequent Disruptions to Uninterrupted Flow

Yellow River Water Unified Dispatch for 25 Years: From Frequent Disruptions to Uninterrupted Flow Yellow River Water Unified Dispatch for 25 Years: From Frequent Disruptions to Uninterrupted Flow Yellow River Water Unified Dispatch for 25 Years: From Frequent Disruptions to Uninterrupted Flow

The Yellow River, the mother river of the Chinese nation, once faced significant challenges due to its frequent drying up. In 1997, the river dried up for 226 days, leaving the riverbed barren and causing profound impacts. In 1999, the Yellow River Conservancy Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources (Yellow River Commission) initiated unified water quantity dispatching, which has ensured the continuous flow of the Yellow River for 25 consecutive years.

The Heigangkou Headgate Sluice in Kaifeng City, built in 1957, is the first culvert sluice on the southern bank of the Yellow River in Henan Province, designed for irrigation over 660,000 mu (about 44,000 hectares). In 1997, the Yellow River dried up here, leaving the riverbed empty. Today, through scientific dispatching and modern metering facilities, the Yellow River's water resources are utilized efficiently, with a cumulative diversion of 720 million cubic meters, ensuring the economic development of the Kaifeng region.

The Xiaolangdi Water Conservancy Project, a key engineering project for the management of the Yellow River, controls a basin area of 694,000 square kilometers, accounting for 92.3% of the Yellow River basin. In the first half of 2024, Xiaolangdi conducted emergency drought relief dispatching, with a maximum discharge rate of 4,400 cubic meters per second, providing a total of 2.779 billion cubic meters of water, effectively alleviating drought conditions in the middle and lower reaches.

The unified dispatching of the Yellow River's water quantity not only solved the problem of drying up but also achieved functional continuous flow, maintaining the river's capacity for flood and sediment discharge and its ecological corridor function. The precise dispatching of the Xiaolangdi Water Conservancy Project has improved the irrigation guarantee rate for the 4.4 million mu (about 293,000 hectares) of irrigated areas downstream, continuously providing stable water sources for the Yellow River to Tianjin, Qingdao, and Baiyangdian Lake.

The 25 years of unified dispatching of the Yellow River's water quantity have transformed the river from frequent drying up to a continuous flow, providing a solid water resource guarantee for the economic and social development along the Yellow River.


Ozone Layer Hole Status and Future Outlook

Ozone Layer Hole Status and Future Outlook Ozone Layer Hole Status and Future Outlook Ozone Layer Hole Status and Future Outlook

The ozone layer hole was once a global focal point, and although it is now rarely mentioned, the issue has not disappeared. The ozone layer remains damaged, but the trend is improving. The key lies in the control of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), a successful case of global environmental activism.

The ozone layer absorbs ultraviolet rays, protecting life on Earth. In the 1970s, scientists discovered that CFCs could destroy ozone. In 1985, the Antarctic ozone hole was discovered, prompting the signing of the 1987 Montreal Protocol, which restricted CFC use.

The protocol has been highly effective, with the ozone layer expected to recover in most regions by 2040, and in Antarctica by 2066. However, a full recovery to pre-industrial levels could take a century.

The success of the protocol can be attributed to the urgency of the issue, scientific and political cooperation, and the outdated nature of CFC technology. A key factor was the shift in the U.S. stance, with President Reagan, due to personal health concerns, actively pushing for the protocol.

Despite this, the recovery process has had its setbacks. In 2013, an unexpected increase in CFC-11 emissions was detected, and the 2022 eruption of the Tongan volcano also affected the ozone layer. The alternative to CFCs, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), while not ozone-depleting, are still potent greenhouse gases.

In the future, continued efforts to reduce HFC use will be necessary to ensure the ozone layer's true recovery.



Hong Kong and Macau Financial Authorities Establish Direct Network for Bond Trading

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has directly connected with the Monetary Authority of Macao (AMCM), linking the CMU with the Central Securities Depository System of Macao. This move allows investors from Hong Kong and Macao to directly settle, clear, and hold bonds in each other's systems, marking a new milestone in financial cooperation between Hong Kong and Macao, and holding significant implications for the coordinated development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

CMU: Central Moneymarkets Unit of Hong Kong

Central Securities Depository System of Macao: The securities custody and settlement system under the AMCM


China's railway operating mileage exceeds 160,000 kilometers, with high-speed rail mileage surpassing 46,000 kilometers.

China's railway operating mileage has exceeded 160,000 kilometers, with high-speed rail surpassing 46,000 kilometers. The opening of the Meizhou West to Longchuan West section of the Longyan to Longchuan high-speed railway marks a new milestone in this achievement.


  • Operating mileage: Refers to the total length of the railway that is actually in operation.
  • High-speed rail: High-speed railway, typically designed for speeds of 250 kilometers per hour or more.

This accomplishment showcases the rapid development of China's infrastructure, significantly enhancing the convenience for the national economy and people's lives.



SpaceX's Polaris Dawn Crew Safely Returns After Historic Mission

SpaceX's Polaris Dawn crew returned safely to Earth after a historic mission. They splashed down in the Gulf of Mexico, off the coast of Dry Tortugas, Florida. The mission reached a higher altitude than any human has in five decades—870 miles. It also featured the first commercial spacewalk, funded and operated privately.

The return journey was perilous. The Crew Dragon capsule endured extreme heat—up to 3,500 degrees Fahrenheit—during re-entry. A heat shield protected the crew. The capsule slowed using parachutes and was retrieved by rescue teams.

During the mission, the crew conducted 40 science experiments. Astronaut Jessica Gillis, a violinist, played "Rey's Theme" from "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" in space, connecting with orchestras on Earth.

SpaceX COO Gwynne Shotwell expressed deep emotion, calling the mission "extraordinary" and the performance "tear-inducing." The crew's safe return marked a significant milestone in commercial space exploration.


Huada Group Launches Nanopore Gene Sequencer, Filling the Gap in High-Throughput Sequencing in China.

Huada Group Launches Nanopore Gene Sequencer, Filling the Gap in High-Throughput Sequencing in China.

Huada Group has launched two nanopore sequencers: WT02 (Wu Tong) and WY01 (Wu Yue). These devices fill the gap in China's high-throughput nanopore sequencing field.

The CycloneSEQ sequencer boasts four key features: long, fast, small, and accurate. It can identify over a hundred pathogens and complete single-bacterial assemblies for thousands of species.

WT02 is a medium-throughput sequencer that supports independent operation and flexible throughput selection. WY01 is a high-throughput sequencer with global leading performance, suitable for large genomes and complex disease research.

Huada Group has also established the "SEQ ALL Alliance" to promote industry standard setting. Simultaneously, it has launched the "Polar Exploration Plan" to explore life sciences research in extreme environments.

Huada Group has deployed over 200 patents in the nanopore sequencing field, making it the world's only company with both long-read and short-read sequencing tools.

Nanopore sequencer: A device that reads DNA sequences through nanoscale pores, capable of rapidly and accurately analyzing genomes.


OpenAI Unveils Advanced Reasoning Model o1

OpenAI has unveiled o1, the first in a series of "reasoning" models, previously known as the "Strawberry" project. o1 excels in complex tasks, processing queries faster than humans and demonstrating unprecedented reasoning abilities. A smaller, more affordable version, o1-mini, is also available.

o1's training differs fundamentally from previous models. It employs a new optimization algorithm and a specialized dataset, using reinforcement learning to solve problems. This approach enhances accuracy and reduces "hallucinations," though the issue persists.

Key strengths include superior performance in coding, math, and multi-step problem-solving. o1 outperforms GPT-4o in 54 out of 57 MMLU subcategories and achieves near-human levels in math and programming competitions.

However, o1 has limitations. It lacks web browsing and file/image processing capabilities and falls short in factual knowledge tasks compared to GPT-4o. The model's interface mimics human thought processes, using phrases like "I'm thinking," though it doesn't truly "think."

OpenAI emphasizes o1's potential in scientific, coding, and mathematical applications but acknowledges safety concerns. The model integrates safety strategies into its reasoning process, aiming to align with human values.


Video Game

Team Liquid Wins Dota 2 International Championship, Introduces New Hero Kai

Team Liquid Wins Dota 2 International Championship, Introduces New Hero Kai

Team Liquid secured the 2024 Dota 2 International Championship, sweeping Gaimin Gladiators 3-0 in the finals. This marks their second title, achieved with a completely new roster, making them the first to do so. Their player, 33, also became the first to win with two different teams.
Valve swiftly announced the next new hero, Kai, following the recent addition of the Jester.


Nintendo's Potential Success with the Rumored Switch 2

Nintendo's Potential Success with the Rumored Switch 2

The Nintendo Switch, unveiled in 2016, faced initial skepticism but became a runaway success, selling 143.42 million units by June 2023. Its hybrid design, blending home and portable gaming, was a hit. Now, as sales slow, attention shifts to the rumored Switch 2, expected in 2025.

The gaming industry is turbulent: game sales are down, studios are closing, and development costs are soaring. Rivals like Valve’s Steam Deck and Sony’s PlayStation 5 Pro pose new challenges. The Switch 2 is expected to offer more power but retain its predecessor’s design, potentially limiting its novelty.

Nintendo’s strategy has been to prioritize gameplay over raw power, a decision that has paid off. Unlike competitors, Nintendo stays lean, focusing on creativity and player joy. This approach, though risky, has kept them ahead.

The success of the Switch was bolstered by standout titles like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Its portability added an X factor, making it a constant companion.

While the Switch 2 faces risks, it’s unwise to underestimate Nintendo. Their knack for innovation and focus on fun sets them apart. As the industry braces for 2025, with the release of Grand Theft Auto VI and the new Nintendo console, the market eagerly awaits the next chapter.



Stephen King's 'The Life of Chuck' Wins Toronto Film Festival Award

Stephen King's 'The Life of Chuck' Wins Toronto Film Festival Award

Tom Hiddleston's "The Life of Chuck," an adaptation of Stephen King's novella, won the Toronto film festival audience award. The film, directed by Mike Flanagan, surprised with its genre-bending take on an accountant's life. Critics praised its balance of sweetness and scariness. King congratulated the "dark horse" winner. Past winners of this award often receive Oscar nominations. The first runner-up was the crime musical comedy "Emilia Pérez," and the second was the Palme d'Or-winning "Anora."


Comedian AG Uses Humor to Advocate for Migrant Rights in Taiwan

Comedian AG Uses Humor to Advocate for Migrant Rights in Taiwan

AG, a Malaysian comedian in Taiwan, uses humor to shed light on the struggles of Southeast Asian migrant workers. His show, "1095, 外来种," tackles the 1095-day limit on migrant work visas and the derogatory term "外来种" (invasive species) used for migrants. Despite not being a typical migrant himself, AG connects with their struggles through personal experiences and observations.

He critiques Taiwan's preference for Westerners over Southeast Asians, highlighting how easily Westerners are accepted compared to the discrimination faced by Southeast Asian workers. AG's comedy addresses stereotypes, police harassment, and systemic issues faced by migrants, such as high recruitment fees and limited legal protections.

The article explores the complexities of migrant labor in Taiwan, including the financial burdens on workers, restrictive policies, and the lack of legal safeguards. It also highlights the challenges faced by female migrants, particularly those in domestic care roles, who are often victims of gender-based violence.

AG's comedy serves as a platform to raise awareness and advocate for migrant rights, with proceeds from his shows donated to the "1095壹零玖伍移民工文化协会," an NGO focused on migrant worker issues. His work underscores the need for systemic change to improve the lives of migrant workers in Taiwan.



China develops the world's first "Human Hubble Telescope" and 5.0T magnetic resonance imaging scanner.

China has developed the world's first "human Hubble Telescope"—the "Explorer" whole-body PET-CT.

This device can monitor the metabolic distribution of drugs in the human body in real-time, with sensitivity 40 times higher than traditional PET-CT, and a full-body scan takes only 15 to 30 seconds.

Meanwhile, China's independently innovated 5.0T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner is the highest field strength device currently used in clinical applications, filling an international gap.

PET-CT: Positron Emission Tomography combined with Computed Tomography, a medical imaging technology.

5.0T MRI: A nuclear magnetic resonance imaging device using a 5.0 Tesla magnetic field strength.


Long-Term Survival in Advanced Melanoma Patients with Immunotherapy Combination

Long-Term Survival in Advanced Melanoma Patients with Immunotherapy Combination

More than half of advanced melanoma patients now survive at least 10 years with a combination of two immunotherapy drugs, ipilimumab and nivolumab. This treatment has drastically improved survival rates, transforming a once-fatal diagnosis into a manageable condition.

Fifteen years ago, only 5% of patients with advanced melanoma lived five years. Many died within months. Today, some patients live long enough to die from unrelated causes.

These drugs, known as immune checkpoint inhibitors, disable the immune system's "brakes," allowing it to attack cancer cells. The treatment is highly effective, with 52% of patients surviving melanoma-specific deaths after 10 years.

The trial involved 945 patients with stage 3 or 4 melanoma. It provided crucial data on treatment duration, survival rates, and side effects. Early side effects were manageable, and patients who stopped treatment early still benefited.

Lucy Davis, a trial participant, went from a terminal diagnosis to seeing her children grow up. Her story highlights the treatment's life-changing impact.

While the results are remarkable, not all patients respond. Researchers are working to understand why, focusing on tumor biology and immune system differences.

This study underscores the importance of ongoing cancer research, aiming to extend and improve lives.


Novel Biobased Cyclic Peptide Glass: A New Breakthrough in Medical Materials and Smart Devices

Novel Biobased Cyclic Peptide Glass: A New Breakthrough in Medical Materials and Smart Devices

Researcher Yan Xuehai and his team from the Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, have developed a new type of high-entropy non-covalent cyclic peptide glass. This glass exhibits excellent enzyme tolerance, anti-crystallization, and mechanical properties, providing technical support for the development of bio-based medical materials and smart functional devices.

Cyclic peptides are bio-molecular building blocks with rigid backbone structures and high stability, making them ideal materials for constructing new types of bio-molecular non-covalent glasses. However, cyclic peptides are prone to crystallization and difficult to form into glass. The team employed a high-entropy strategy, melting multiple cyclic peptide molecules to create a high-entropy environment, and with the help of quenching technology, maintained multi-scale disordered conformations in the supercooled liquid, effectively inhibiting crystallization and promoting glass formation.

This new type of glass can not only integrate other functional components such as organic small molecules and nanoparticles but also degrade under the action of biological enzymes into environmentally harmless substances, enabling ecological recycling.

Yan Xuehai stated that although the research used cyclic peptide molecules as a model, the experimental methods and glass formation mechanisms are equally applicable to other organic molecular systems. He hopes these findings will inspire more research into non-covalent glasses and promote their application in the fields of biomedicine and smart devices.

The team is currently researching glass-state drugs and optoelectronic devices related to biological interfaces, and plans to use AI technology to accelerate the development of new bio-based glass materials. Yan Xuehai believes that bio-molecular glasses based on non-covalent bonds have unique biodegradable and recyclable characteristics, offering a new solution to the high energy consumption and pollution problems associated with glass and plastic materials.



Quan Hongchan's homecoming visit met with excessive public attention, prompting calls for respect for athletes' privacy.

Quan Hongchan's homecoming visit met with excessive public attention, prompting calls for respect for athletes' privacy.

Olympic champion Quan Hongchan returned home to visit her family, only to be met with excessive public attention, sparking social concern. Crowds gathered at her doorstep, with even drones conducting aerial photography and travel agencies offering "one-day tour" packages. Such behavior not only disrupted Quan Hongchan and her family's normal life but also exposed the shortsightedness of some individuals who prioritize traffic over boundaries.

Quan Hongchan's plea—"Please go back, it's too noisy. We need to rest"—was a direct response to this excessive attention. True concern should be demonstrated through support for athletes' training and competitions, not through endless disturbances.

Regulatory authorities have begun to crack down on such "bottom-line-crossing traffic-seeking" behaviors, emphasizing the importance of laws and regulations. Online platforms should also take measures to prevent unauthorized traffic-hijacking and ensure athletes' privacy and tranquility.

Not disturbing is the best form of respect for athletes. Society as a whole should work together to ensure that athletes like Quan Hongchan receive the applause and cheers they deserve on the field, rather than unnecessary disruptions in their daily lives.



China's Restaurants Adapt to Solo Diners Amid Economic Slowdown

China's Restaurants Adapt to Solo Diners Amid Economic Slowdown China's Restaurants Adapt to Solo Diners Amid Economic Slowdown China's Restaurants Adapt to Solo Diners Amid Economic Slowdown

SHENZHEN — Pizza Hut Wow, a new concept by Yum China, is targeting solo diners with smaller, more affordable pizzas. A 19 yuan ($2.70) cream cheese pizza is less than half the size of a regular pepperoni pie. This strategy is designed to cater to China’s growing number of single-person households, which now account for 25.4% of the total.

Yum China plans to double the number of Wow stores by the end of the year, from 100 to 200. Performance has exceeded expectations.

Hot pot chain Yi Wei has also adapted by offering single-serving pots and conveyor belt ingredients. The chain plans to expand to 200 locations by 2026.

China’s sluggish economy is driving consumers to seek value. Restaurant sales rose just 3% in July, the slowest since COVID restrictions ended. High-end restaurant sales fell 0.7%.

Online food delivery apps like Meituan are highlighting solo combos. Small dishes have seen an 11% increase this year, totaling 8.32 million.

Japanese chains like Rou Rou Da Mi and Monogatari have found success with counter-style dining. Monogatari reports that solo diners make up half of its weekday lunch customers.

Profitability from price-sensitive solo diners is challenging. Pizza Hut Wow customers spend an average of 30-40 yuan. The menu avoids filling items like hamburgers. Monthly membership cards aim to boost repeat visits.

Jason Yu of Kantar notes that differentiation is key in China’s competitive restaurant market. Consumers remain cautious but have substantial savings.
